Section: Dissemination
D. Sokolov teaches “Modeles de perception et raisonnement” M1 “Infographie”, M1 “Geometrie et representation dans l'espace”, L2+L3 “Logique et modeles de calcul”, M1 “Synthese d'images 3D”, M1 “Unité Bureautique et Communication électronique”, L1.
D. Boltcheva teaches “Images numériques” in IUT Saint Dié.
V. Nivoliers teaches AP2 (algorithmics and programming), UHP, L1: basics of algorithmics and programming (Ocaml), practicals, MI1 (mathematics for computer science), Esial, first year: introducing recursion and induction, boolean functions,and the basics of language theory.
S. Lefebvre and B. Lévy teach geometric modeling and computer graphics, ENSG (School of Geology - INPL)
S. Lefebvre participates to “Computer Graphics”, Ecole Centrale de Paris (organized by G. Drettakis).