Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Local Initiatives

BQR - Desing Methods for Energetic Optimisation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Participants : Nicolas Stouls [Project leader] , Antoine Fraboulet, Lionel Morel, Guillaume Salagnac.

BQR (Bonus Qualité Recherche)

project funded by an academic institution.

This project, funded by INSA Lyon, is a collaboration between three research laboratories: CITI (Center of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services), LIRIS (Computer Science, Image and Information Systems Laboratory) and CETHIL (Lyon Thermal Center). The project aims at proposing a practical instrumentation technique for measuring energetic efficiency of buildings by means of using a wireless network of sensor nodes (WSN). In order to make it feasible to scale both space-wise (instrumenting a while building will require tens or hundreds of nodes) as well as duration-wise (the experiments we envision in this project will span over several months), we adopt a software architecture based on a dedicated streaming database technology  [39] . Finally, this whole system is also a case-study for another goal of this project, that of proposing new metrics to characterize energy consumption on embedded devices (in particular we aim at somehow relating energy consumption to a high-level view of the software running on the nodes).

BQF - Smart Chappe Building: A Context-aware Service Platform

Participants : Frédéric Le Mouël [Project leader] , Julien Ponge, Stéphane Frénot.

BQF (Bonus Qualité Formation)

project funded by an academic institution.

This project, funded by INSA Lyon, is leaded by the Telecommunication Department with the participation of two research laboratories: CITI (Center of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services) and LIRIS (Computer Science, Image and Information Systems Laboratory).

Computers and Information Systems are now all around us (Ubiquitous Computing) with a great number of portable and mobile devices (Mobile Computing) that have to adapt to highly changing environments (Context-aware Computing) and that even disapear in our every life in small, active and smart objects (Ambient Intelligence). Smart Houses and Buildings is now an emerging research topic with power managing, security monitoring, .... We think that mobile phones will be the universal remote controller for a user-personalized access to services of such buildings.

Build in 2008, the Claude Chappe Building - hosting the Telecommunication Department and the CITI Lab - is the perfect experimentation place. The Smart Chappe Building proposes a Context-aware Service Platform integrating (i) devices: static ones (large display screens, interactive terminal), mobile phones (iPhone with iOS, Samsung with Androïd, HTC with Windows Mobile), sensors (temperature, hydrometry), RFID, (ii) wireless connectivity: Bluetooth, WIFI and (iii) context-aware and user-personalized services: building guidance, news broadcasting, lecture agenda. This plateform is bothly used for teaching and doing research, for instance, by allowing to develop and integrate new innovative services.


Participants : Antoine Fraboulet [Project leader] , Julien Carpentier.

ORSI ( Outil de Raffinement de la Simulation à l'Implantation) is an INRIA ADT project started in November 2010.

The ORSI ADT is in the context of programming tools for constrained embedded systems applications. This ADT is the continuation and extension of techniques and tools developed in the scope of wireless sensor networks. Projects like RECAP, SensLab, WASP and Mosar have demonstrated the value and contribution of WSIM and WSNet software simulation tools which are now used outside of their original projects frames. Dissemination and software use in academic and industrial projects can consider their evolution in order to take into account new types of uses and new development paths. The ORSI ADT aims to extend the models used in these software to prepare them for next generation applications hardware and software targets.