Section: Dissemination
Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences
We were invited to give the following talks.
F. Bouquet , Keynote at V2CS'11 on Institute of Complex System, November 18th, Paris.
V. Cortier , Seminar at Collège de France, May 18th, 2011 (Paris, France). Invited talk at STACS 2011, 28th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, March 2011, Dortmund, Allemagne. Invited talk at TOSCA 2011, Theory of Security and Applications (affiliated with ETAPS), March 2011, Aachen, Allemagne. Seminar “Formal Methods and Security" at Rennes (France), January 21st, 2011.
S. Kremer , Seminar “Formal Methods” at Nancy (France), January 2011. Dagstuhl seminar “Security and Rewriting” , August 2011. Seminar at University of Luxembourg, October 2011. Seminar “Formal Methods and Security" at Rennes (France), November, 2011.