Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community


  • Principal Investigator of MATHANA (A. Hutt)

  • Member of the Board of Directors in Organization of Computation Neuroscience (A. Hutt)

  • Member of the steering committee of the french association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA) (F. Alexandre)

  • Member of the board of directors of the LORIA laboratory (B. Girau).

  • Head of the Complex systems and AI department of the LORIA laboratory (B. Girau)

  • Member of the scientific culture commission (N. Rougier)

  • Elected member of the laboratory council (N. Rougier)

  • Thierry Viéville is a member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis;

  • Member of the “Bureau du Comité de Projets” (Steering Committee of the Project-Team Committee) (F. Alexandre)

  • F. Alexandre and T. Viéville are members (and moderators) of the scientific committee of NeuroComp, the initiative to gather the french community in Computational Neuroscience (annual conference and web site: http://www.neurocomp.fr/ ).

Review activities

  • Reviewing for journals: Applied Intelligence, RIA, J. Physiol. (F. Alexandre), Physica A, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Neuroimage, Cognitive Neurodynamics, J. Biological Physics, Mathematical Neuroscience, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (A. Hutt)

  • Member of program committees: International Workshop on Dynamical Olfaction (D. Martinez), TAIMA (F. Alexandre)

  • Reviewing (A. Hutt) for the NWO (Science Foundation Netherlands), the ANR and several french regional and territorial agencies (F. Alexandre)

Workshops, conferences and seminars

  • Organization of the Neurocomp11 autumn school on Brain-Computer-Interfaces (L. Bougrain responsible; F. Alexandre member of the organizing committee)

  • Invited talks: [17] , [18]

  • Seminars: talk for Cognitive Science Pole in Grenoble (F. Alexandre)

We also have a strong activity for popularization of science:

  • The other half-time of Thierry Viéville’s activity is dedicated to popularization of science (http://science-info-lycee.fr , http://www.culture-science-paca.org , http://interstices.info , http://www.fuscia.info ) with about 10 conferences and 20 days of scientific animation.

  • Participation to a “café des sciences” about brain-computer-interfaces (F. Alexandre)

  • Organization of a talk serie on Image, Perception, Action & Cognition on a montly basis at the INRIA-Nancy Grand Est laboratory (http://ipac.loria.fr/ ).

  • Participation in the "Cordée de la réussite" between Henri-Poincaré University (Nancy), INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, Lycée Poincaré (Nancy) and Collège Bichat (Lunéville) (N. Rougier).

International cooperations

  • in neurophysiology with MPI for Biological Cybernetics (Tubingen)

  • in general anaesthesia with University of Auckland (New Zealand)

  • on modeling visual attention with university of Chemnitz (Germany)

  • in brain-computer interface with the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM, Mexico)

  • in spike sorting with university of Princeton (USA)