Section: Scientific Foundations
Modeling and landscape analysis
The modeling of problems, the analysis of structures (landscapes) of MOPs and the performance assessment of resolution methods are significant topics in the design of optimization methods. The effectiveness of metaheuristics depends on the properties of the problem and its landscape (roughness, convexity, etc). The notion of landscape has been first described in [64] by the way of the study of species evolution. Then, this notion has been used to analyze combinatorial optimization problems.
Modeling of problems
Generally there are several ways of modeling a given problem. First, one has to find the most suitable model for the type of resolution he or she plans to use. The choice can be made after a theoretical analysis of the model, or after computational experiments. The choice of the model depends on the type of method used. For example, a major issue in the design of exact methods is to find tight relaxations for the problem considered.
Let us note that many combinatorial optimization problems of the literature have been studied in their mono-objective form even if a lot of them are naturally of a multi-objective nature.
Therefore, in the DOLPHIN project, we address the modeling of MOPs in two phases. The first one consists in studying the mono-objective version of the problem, where all objectives but one are considered as constraints. In the second phase, we propose methods to adapt the mono-objective models or to create hand-tailored models for the multi-objective case. The models used may come from the first phase, or from the literature.
Analysis of the structure of a problem
The landscape is defined by a neighborhood operator and can be represented by a graph . The vertices represent the solutions of the problem and an edge exists if the solution can be obtained by an application of the neighborhood operator on the solution . Then, considering this graph as the ground floor, we elevate each solution to an altitude equals to its cost. We obtain a surface, or landscape, made of peaks, valleys, plateaus, cliffs, etc. The problem lies in the difficulty to have a realistic view of this landscape.
Like others, we believe that the main point of interest in the domain of combinatorial optimization is not the design of the best algorithm for a large number of problems but the search for the most adapted method to an instance or a set of instances of a given problem. Therefore, we are convinced that no ideal metaheuristic, designed as a black-box, may exist.
Indeed, the first studies realized in our research group on the analysis of landscapes of different mono-objective combinatorial optimization problems (traveling salesman problem, quadratic assignment problem) have shown that not only different problems correspond to different structures but also that different instances of the same problem correspond to different structures.
For instance, we have realized a statistical study of the landscapes of the quadratic assignment problem. Some indicators that characterize the landscape of an instance have been proposed and a taxonomy of the instances including three classes has been deduced. Hence it is not enough to adapt the method to the problem under study but it is necessary to specialize it according to the type of the treated instance.
So in its studies of mono-objective problems, the DOLPHIN research group has introduced into the resolution methods some information about the problem to be solved. The landscapes of some combinatorial problems have been studied in order to investigate the intrinsic natures of their instances. The resulting information has been inserted into an optimization strategy and has allowed the design of efficient and robust hybrid methods. The extension of these studies to multi-objective problems is a part of the DOLPHIN project [62] , [63] .
Performance assessment
The DOLPHIN project is also interested in the performance assessment of multi-objective optimization methods. Nowadays, statistical techniques developed for mono-objective problems can be adapted to the multi-objective case. Nevertheless, specific tools are necessary in many situations: for example, the comparison of two different algorithms is relatively easy in the mono-objective case - we compare the quality of the best solution obtained in a fixed time, or the time needed to obtain a solution of a certain quality. The same idea cannot be immediately transposed to the case where the output of the algorithms is a set of solutions having several quality measures, and not a single solution.
Various indicators have been proposed in the literature for evaluating the performance of multi-objective optimization methods but no indicator seems to outperform the others [65] . The DOLPHIN research group has proposed two indicators: the contribution and the entropy [59] . The contribution evaluates the supply in term of Pareto-optimal solutions of a front compared to another one. The entropy gives an idea of the diversity of the solutions found. These two metrics are used to compare the different metaheuristics in the research group, for example in the resolution of the bi-objective flow-shop problem, and also to show the contribution of the various mechanisms introduced in these metaheuristics.
One of the main issues in the DOLPHIN project is the study of the landscape of multi-objective problems and the performance assessment of multi-objective optimization methods to design efficient and robust resolution methods:
Landscape study: The goal here is to extend the study of landscapes of the mono-objective combinatorial optimization problems to multi-objective problems in order to determine the structure of the Pareto frontier and to integrate this knowledge about the problem structure in the design of resolution methods.
This study has been initiated for the bi-objective flow-shop problem. We have studied the convexity of the frontiers obtained in order to show the interest of our Pareto approach compared to an aggregation approach, which only allows one to obtain the Pareto solutions situated on the convex hull of the Pareto front (supported solutions).
Our preliminary study of the landscape of the bi-objective flow-shop problem shows that the supported solutions are very closed to each other. This remark leads us to improve an exact method initially proposed for bi-objective problems. Furthermore, a new exact method able to deal with any number of objectives has been designed.
Performance assessment: The goal here is to extend GUIMOO in order to provide efficient visual and metric tools for evaluating the assessment of multi-objective resolution methods.