Section: Dissemination

Academic teaching

Philippe Jacquet taught:

  • class : Mobile networking (Polytechnique),

  • class: Telecommunication. Master COMASIC (Polytechnique)

Emmanuel Baccelli taught:

  • class : Mobile networking at Ecole Polytechnique.

Pascale Minet taught:

  • Networks and quality of service in Master Systèmes Electroniques et Traitement de l'Information, at INSTN (Saclay).

  • Mobile ad-hoc networks: medium access, routing and quality of service in Master Ingénierie informatique of the university of Marne-la-Vallée.

  • Mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks: medium access, routing and energy efficiency in Master ScTIC (Systèmes complexes, Technologies de l'Information et du Contrôle) of the University of Paris 12.

Aline C. Viana was invited as a speaker at the GBR 2011, Beyond Networking workshop, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 2011.