Section: Dissemination

Animation of the Scientific Community

Participation in Committees

J.-C. Bermond:

Expert for DRTT, and various projects outside France (Canada, Qatar,...); Responsible of the Pôle ComRed of I3S till January 31th; Member of the Ph.D. committee of the University of Marseille; Member of the comité de sélection des ATER till march 15; Member of the I3S laboratory committee (until October).

D. Coudert:

Member of the comité du suivi doctoral of INRIA Sophia Antipolis (since January 2009); Member of INRIA working group GT AER; Member of comité de sélection 27e section of UNS, 2011; Member of the scientific board of the GIS ENSL-UNS (CNRS, ENSL, INRIA, UNS) since 2011; Expert for the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Future and Emerging Technologies Open Scheme (FET-Open) European program, and the ANR (ARPEGE, JC-JC, SIMI).

O. Dalle:

Member of the comité de sélection 27e section of UNS; Member of the CUMIR comittee of INRIA Sophia Antipolis; Expert reviewer for Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) CIR applications (Credit Impot Recherche); Member of the PhD defense committee of P. Vehlo, Univ. Grenoble, July 2011 (reviewer).

F. Havet:

Expert for ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and its analogue in Slovakia VEGA; Member of the I3S laboratory committee (until October); External member of the Doctoral Deparment I2S committee (Montpellier); Reviewer of the PhD Theses of V. Campos (Federal University of Ceara, Brasil, September 2011) and S. Ghazal (Lebanese University, Lebanon and University of Lyon I, December 2011); Examiner of the PhD Thesis of Anthony Perez (University of Montpellier 2, November 2011).

J. Moulierac:

Member of the comité de sélection 27e section of Université de Montpellier II; Member of the CDL (Commission for software development) at INRIA Sophia Antipolis since 2009; Member of the Conseil de Département (Department Committee) of IUT Nice since 2007; Responsible of the International stream Ubinet, Master IFI (http://ubinet.unice.fr ), until August 2011.

N. Nisse:

Member of the comité de sélection 27e section of Université de la Méditerranée; member of the comité de sélection 27e section of Université de Montpellier II, 2011; co-responsible of the Computer Science course of MPSI, INRIA-Lycée International de Valbonne.

M. Syska:

Expert for DRTT PACA; Member of comité de sélection 27e section of UNS, 2011 (ATER, "ad-hoc"); Member of DCCE committee ED STIC; Member of the PhD defense committee of Swann Perarnau (University of Grenoble, December 1st 2011).

Editorial Boards

J.-C. Bermond:

Combinatorics Probability and Computing, Computer Science Reviews, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Graph Theory, Journal Of Interconnection Networks (Advisory Board), Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, Networks, Parallel Processing Letters the SIAM book series on Discrete Mathematics, Transactions on Network Optimization and Control , Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications.

D. Coudert:

Discrete Applied Mathematics.

F. Havet:

Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science.

Steering Committees

D. Coudert:

Pôle ResCom du GDR ASR du CNRS (since 2005); Rencontres francophones sur les aspects algorithmiques des télécommunications (AlgoTel).

O. Dalle:

ICST Intl. Conf. on Simualtion Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools).

F. Havet:

Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen (JCALM); Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA); GT Graphes du GDR IM du CNRS.

Conference Organization


13mes rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Agay, France, May 2011; Organizing Chairs: F. Giroire and N. Nisse.

Workshop Organization


25th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2011), Nice, France (June 14-17, 2011). Organized: by O. Dalle, A. Lancin, E. Mancini and I. Tahiri.


Workshop Cycles and colorings 2011, Nový Smokovec, Slovakia, September 04-09, 2011. Member of the organizing commitee: F. Kardoš.

Participation in Program Committees

C. Caillouet:

13th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM2011), Anchorage, Alaska, USA (May 16, 2011).

D. Coudert:

10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11), Chania, Greece (May 5-7, 2011); 13es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'11), Cap Estérel, France (May 23-26, 2011); 18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT), Oslo, Norway (August 22-25, 2011).

O. Dalle:

Member of International Workshop on SImulation Models and Techniques for Intelligent Mobility (SIMTIM −2011), 2nd International Track on Collaborative Modeling & Simulation - CoMetS’11, DEVS/TMS 2011, Boston, MA, April 2011, Omnet++ Workshop, Barcelona, March 2011.

F. Havet:

Journées Graphes et Algorithmes, Lyon, France, (November 16-18, 2011).

N. Nisse:

Workshop TERA-NET’11, Toward Evolutive Routing Algorithms for scale-free/internet-like NETworks, Roma, September 19, 2011.