Section: Dissemination
Maël Bosson
Licence: Analysis (Lebesgue theory, Fourier transform, distribution theory), 36h, INPG ENSIMAG, France
Licence: Advanced numerical methods 12h, INPG ENSIMAG, France
Licence: Numerical Analysis, 12h, INPG Pagora, France
High School: Mobinet, 12h, INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
High School: Introduction to chemistry, 3h, CIME Nanoschool, Grenoble, France
Sergei Grudinin
Licence: Seminars on “Modeling and Simulations of Macromolecules”, 10h (May 23 - 37; September 19-26 2011), MIPT, Moscow, Russia