Project Team Sisyphe


Project Team Sisyphe


Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

The SISYPHE team is involved in the activities of the European Research Network on System Identification ( ERNSI ) federating major European research teams on system identification.

  • Program: Funded as a SCIENCE project (1992 - 1995), HCM Project (1993-1996), TMR Project (1998 - 2003).

  • Project acronym: ERNSI

  • Project title: European Research Network System Identification

  • Duration: 1992 - –

  • Coordinator: The network ERNSI is currently coordinated by Bo Wahlberg, Automatic Control, KTH SE 100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN.

  • Other partners: KTH (Sweden), INRIA (France), TUD (Technische Universität Darmstadt), TUW (Vienna University of Technology), UCAM-DENG (University of Cambridge), ELEC (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), ULIN (Sweden), UNIPD (Italy).

  • Abstract: Modeling of dynamical systems is fundamental in almost all disciplines of science and engineering, ranging from life science to plant-wide process control. Engineering uses models for the design and analysis of complex technical systems. System identification concerns the construction, estimation and validation of mathematical models of dynamical physical or engineering phenomena from experimental data.