Section: Dissemination

Participation to congresses, conferences, invitations...

  • M. Bossy gave talks at the Séminaire du CMA, in January at École des Mines de Paris, an invited session talk at ICIAM, Vancouver in July, an invited lecture at the Forum des jeunes mathematiciens, at IMT Toulouse.

  • N. Champagnat gave a 4h lecture on Modèles stochastiques individu-centrés en dynamique adaptative et étude du branchement évolutif at the Summer School and Workshop Modèles mathématiques de la dynamique des populations in April at the Ecole Polytechnique of Tunis, Tunisia.

  • N. Champagnat gave talks at the Bio-Mathematics seminar at Univ. Bordeaux 2 in January, at the visiting committee of AERES for INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée in February, at the ANR MANEGE Workshop at Univ. Paris 6 in February, at the Seminar of Probability at Univ. Henri Poincaré in September, and at the Bio-statistics Seminar at Univ. Henri Poincaré in November.

  • J. Charrier gave seminar talks in Warwick and Poitiers in November.

  • J. Claisse gave a talk at the ANR MANEGE Spring School in Agay, France in June.

  • M. Deaconu was invited to give a talk in the International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Hammamet, October 10 -15, 2011, Tunisia. M. Deaconu also gave a talk in The Seventh Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 29 - July 5, 2011, Braşov, Romania, and several talks at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy in december 2011.

  • S. Herrmann gave several seminar talks in Dijon, Lyon (ISFA and Institut Camille Jordan), Nancy and gave talks in the IMPACT-Workshop in honour of Peter Imkeller's 60th birthday in Berlin, and in the 5th International conference of stochastic analysis and its application (Bonn, Germany).

  • S. Herrmann and E. Tanré participate to the Workshop on Mean-field methods and multiscale analysis of neuronal populations at CIRM (Marseille) in October 2011.

  • S. Herrmann and E. Tanré gave a 12 hours talk/course during the Semester on Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience http://www-sop.inria.fr/manifestations/SemesterCirm/ on Stochastic models and simulations in neuroscience.

  • D. Ibrahim gave talks at the Fourth European Summer School in Financial Mathematics in Zürich, in septembre 2011.

  • P.-E. Jabin gave talks at the SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PD11), San Diego, USA, at the Vlasov Models in Kinetic Theory Semester Workshop, Brown University, USA, at the Conference on Continuum and kinetic methods in the theory of shocks, fronts, dislocations and interfaces, in honor of C. Dafermos, Crete, at the Workshop Perspectives in Mathematics and Life Sciences as a part of the school BIOMAT 2011, Granada, Spain, at the Summer School M3D, Porquerolles, France, at the 2011 Annual Kinetic FRG Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and at the Conference on Applied Mathematics from Waves to Fluids, in honor C. Bardos, Nice.

  • N. Perrin gave a talk at the Mini-symposium on Méthodes numériques en simulation moléculare of the SMAI Congress 2011 in Guidel, France in May.

  • D. Talay gave a series of Minerva Foundation Lectures at Columbia University and a seminar at the Courant Institute in September. He also gave an invited lecture at the 6th International Symposium on Backward Stochastic Differential Equations at USC, Los Angeles, in June.

  • E. Tanré gave talks at the Probability Seminar of Univ. of Nice – Sophia Antipolis in September, and at the Groupe de travail en mathématiques et neurosciences at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, in January.


  • M. Deaconu was invited one week by Lucian Beznea at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy in december 2011.

  • S. Herrmann was invited one week in Bielefeld university, Germany.

  • P.-E. Jabin spent 3 weeks at the University of Crete, Greece.

  • D. Talay spent two weeks at Columbia University.