Section: Dissemination


The university employees of VeriDis have significant teaching obligations. We only indicate the graduate courses they have been teaching this year, as well as significant pedagogical responsibilities.

  • Pascal Fontaine was head of an undergraduate program (Licence Miage) at Nancy 2 University in the academic year 2010/11.

  • Dominique Méry gave courses in the Master's program in Nancy on: formal system engineering, modelling and verification of systems, theoretical computer science, development of software systems, distributed algorithms.

  • Marie Duflot-Kremer and Stephan Merz taught a course on algorithmic verification in the Master's program in Nancy.

The following PhD theses were successfully defended in 2011 or are currently in preparation:

  • Diego Caminha Barbosa de Oliveira: Fragments de l'arithmétique dans une combinaison de procédures de décision, defended on 14 march 2011, supervised by Pascal Fontaine and Stephan Merz

  • Cristián Rosa: Performance and Correctness Assessment of Distributed Systems, defended on 24 october 2011, supervised by Stephan Merz and Martin Quinson (of team AlGorille)

  • Sabina Akhtar: High-Level Language for Modeling Distributed Algorithms, since 09/2008, supervised by Stephan Merz

  • Henri Debrat: Vérification formelle d'algorithmes répartis avec erreurs byzantines, since 10/2009, supervised by Bernadette Charron-Bost (CNRS & LIX) and Stephan Merz

  • Tianxiang Lu: Formal Verification of a Peer-to-Peer Algorithm, since 05/2009, supervised by Stephan Merz and Christoph Weidenbach of MPI-INF, Saarbrücken

  • Hernán-Pablo Vanzetto: Model Construction for TLA+ formulas, since 10/2010, supervised by Kaustuv Chaudhuri (of INRIA Saclay) and Stephan Merz