Section: Scientific Foundations

Automated and interactive theorem proving

The VeriDis team unites experts in techniques and tools for interactive and automated verification, and specialists in methods and formalisms for the proved development of concurrent and distributed systems and algorithms. Our common objective is to advance the state of the art of combining interactive with automated methods resulting in powerful tools for the (semi-)automatic verification of distributed systems and protocols. Our techniques and tools will support methods for the formal development of trustworthy distributed systems that are grounded in mathematically precise semantics and that scale to algorithms relevant for practical applications.

The VeriDis members from Nancy develop veriT [1] , an SMT (satisfiability modulo theories [24] ) solver that combines decision procedures for different fragments of first-order logic and that integrates an automatic theorem prover for full first-order logic. The veriT solver is designed to produce detailed proofs; this makes it particularly suitable as a component of a robust cooperation of deduction tools.

We rely on interactive theorem provers for reasoning about specifications at a high level of abstraction. Members of VeriDis have ample experience in the specification and subsequent machine-assisted, interactive verification of algorithms. In particular, we participate in a project at the joint INRIA-MSR laboratory in Saclay on the development of methods and tools for the formal proof of TLA+ [28] specification. Our prover relies on a declarative proof language and includes several automatic backends [3] .