Section: Scientific Foundations
3D object and scene modeling, analysis, and retrieval
This part of our research focuses on geometric models of specific 3D objects at the local (differential) and global levels, physical and statistical models of materials and illumination patterns, and modeling and retrieval of objects and scenes in large image collections. Our past work in these areas includes research aimed at recognizing rigid 3D objects in cluttered photographs taken from arbitrary viewpoints (Rothganger et al., 2006), segmenting video sequences into parts corresponding to rigid scene components before recognizing these in new video clips (Rothganger et al., 2007), retrieval of particular objects and buildings from images and videos (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) and (Philbin et al., 2007), and a theoretical study of a general formalism for modeling central and non-central cameras using the formalism and terminology of classical projective geometry (Ponce, 2009 and Batog et al., 2010).
We have also developed multi-view stereopsis algorithms that have proven remarkably effective at recovering intricate details and thin features of compact objects and capturing the overall structure of large-scale, cluttered scenes. Some of the corresponding software (PMVS, ) is available for free for academics, and licensing negotiations with several companies are under way.
Our current work, outlined in detail in section 6.1 , has focused on (i) using our multi-view-stereo approach to model archaeological sites together with developing representations and efficient retrieval techniques to enable matching historical paintings to 3D models of archeological sites, and (ii) visual place recognition in structured databases, where images are geotagged and organized in a graph.