Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • L2/L3: network computing (lectures, tutorials, labs), 250 hours, F. Weis, University Rennes 1 / IUT Saint-Malo

  • Master : Ambient Computing and Mobile Communications, M. Banâtre and F. Weis, 6 hours, M2, university of Rennes, France

  • Master : Distributed Systems, M. Banâtre, 18 hours, M2, Ecole des mines de Nantes, France

  • Master : Wireless LANs, F. Weis, 8 hours, M2, Telecom Bretagne, France

  • Master: Mobile communications and ambient computing, M. Banâtre, 8 hours, M2, ENSEIRB Bordeaux, France

  • Master : Mobile communications and ambient computing, M. Banâtre, 4 hours, M1, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France


  • PhD in progress : M. Dominici, Context Management in Smart Homes, 01/11/09, M. Banâtre and F. Weis, to be defended in March 2013

  • PhD in progress : B. Pietropaoli, Proximate interactions and data fusion in Smart Homes, 01/10/10, M. Banâtre and F. Weis

  • PhD in progress : Minh Ho, Indoor localization mechanisms for ambient computing systems, 01/11/08, M. Banâtre and F. Weis, to be defended in May 2013

  • PhD in progress : Arnab Sinha, Pervasive control systems for smart waste management solutions, 14/12/10, M. Banâtre and P. Couderc