Section: Dissemination


Nicolas Petitprez participated to Salon de la Vente à distance that was held in Lille from October 23 to 25, 2012. Inria held a booth in this exhibition that is dedicated to professionals from the retail industry. Nicolas demonstrated the results and the prototype that has been developed in the context of the FUI Macchiato (see Section  8.2 ) project.

Laurence Duchien participated to a panel on Mobile computing for Banking applications that was held in April 2012 in Paris.

Aurélien Bourdon gave several demonstrations of the PowerAPI software library (see Section  5.6 ), especially for the Recherche, Innovation, Creation (RIC) day that was held on 6 October 2012 in Lille and that targets graduate students from the M.Sc and Computer Engineering programs. He also gave this demonstration during visits such as the one of Michel Cosnard, CEO of Inria, and the one of Jean-François Pauwels, vice-president for research at University Lille 1. Finally the demonstration was also played during workshops dedicated to green computing, such as Eco-conception des logiciels un outil novateur pour le pilotage des projets informatiques in October 2012, and Rencontre Inria Industrie in March 2012.