Section: Dissemination
Invited Conferences
Florent de Dinechin gave invited lectures at CERFACS (Toulouse), at the CERN/Intel OpenLab workshop at CERN and and at CASPUR (Rome). He gave talks at Altera (High Wycombe, UK) and Maxeler Technologies (London).
Jean-Michel Muller gave invited talks in satellite workshop of the SIAM'2012 Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (Valencia, Spain, June 2012), in the Workshop on Numerical Software (Santander, Spain, July 2012), and the LMS Colloquium “Verification and Numerical Algorithms” (London, November 2012).
Nathalie Revol gave invited talks at national meetings: “Précision numérique” at CNES (Toulouse, January 2012), “Précision et incertitudes” organized by the thematic groups GAMNI and MAIRCI of the SMAI (Paris, February 2012), and at international meetings: “IFIP Working Group 2.5 on Numerical Software” and “Numerical software: design, analysis and verification” (both at Santander, Spain, July 2012).
Damien Stehlé gave an invited talk at the workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Cryptography (Kolkata, India, January 2012), lectures at International Workshop on Recent Advances in Lattice Reduction Algorithms and their Applications (Hyderabad, India, April 2012), an invited talk at Journées Charles Hermite (Nancy, France, June 2012), a plenary invited talk at the international conference SCC 2012 (Castro Urdiales, Spain, July 2012), lectures at Ecrypt Summer School on Lattices (Porto, Portugal, October 2012), an invited talk at the workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms (Leiden, Netherlands, November 2012) and an invited talk at Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern (Sophia-Antipolis, December 2012).