Section: New Results

Hardware and FPGA Arithmetic

Mixed-precision fused multiply-and-add

With B. de Dinechin, from Kalray, N. Brunie and F. de Dinechin proposed to extend the classical fused-multiply-and-add operator with a larger addend and result. This enables higher-precision computation of sums of products at a cost that remains close to that of the classical FMA [29] .

Multiplication by rational constants versus division by a constant

Motivated by the division by 3 or by 9 appearing in some stencil kernels, F. de Dinechin investigated how the periodicity of the binary representation of a rational constant could be exploited to design an architecture multiplying by this constant [18] . With L. S. Didier, this approach was then compared to a specialisation of divider architectures to the division by small integer constants, which is shown to match well the fine structure of FPGAs [32] .

Floating-point exponentiation on FPGA

F. de Dinechin, with P. Echeverria and M. Lopez-Vallejo (U. Madrid) and B. Pasca (Altera), implemented the first floating-point unit for the pow and powr functions of the IEEE-754-2008 standard [50] . These functions compute x y , and differ only in the specification of special cases. The implementation, parameterized in exponent and significand size, combines suitably modified exponential and logarithm units.

Arithmetic around the bit heap

F. de Dinechin, M. Istoan, G. Sergent, K. Illyes, B. Popa, and N. Brunie extended FloPoCo with a versatile framework for manipulating sums of weighted bits [51] , [44] . This is a relevant way of implementing polynomials, filters and other coarse arithmetic cores.

Improving computing architectures

To improve High-Level Synthesis (HLS) for FPGAs, B. Pasca (former PhD student in AriC), with Ch. Alias (Inria Compsys) and A. Plesco (Zettice) developed tiling and scheduling algorithms that exploit the deeply pipelined operator at the core of a computing kernel [14] .

With S. Collange and G. Diamos, N. Brunie proposed improvements in the architecture of general-purpose graphical processing units [28] .

N. Brunie and F. de Dinechin, with Kalray's B. de Dinechin, are investigating embedding a reconfigurable core in the Kalray MPPA architecture. For this purpose, N. Brunie developed an environment for the design exploration of such an accelerator. This environment produces the hardware on one side, and its programming tools on the other side [43] .