Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: Christophe Alias gave a L3 course on “Introduction to compilation” at ENSI Bourges and a L2 lab on “Architecture des ordinateurs” at Université Lyon 1. Laure Gonnord has a full teaching activity in Polytech'Lille where she teaches algorithmics, compilation, and basics of hardware.
Master 1: Christophe Alias gave a Master 1 course on “Compilation” at ENS-Lyon.
Master 2: Alain Darte gave a full Master 2 course on “Advanced compilation and program optimizations” at ENS-Lyon.
Master 1 and 2: Christophe Alias is organizer of the Winter Master School “Vérification et certification du logiciel” that was held in January 2012 at ENS-Lyon, as part of the Master of ENS-Lyon.
Internships: Laure Gonnord and Christophe Alias co-supervised the undergraduate internship of Jean-Marie Vincenti, from the Engineering School Polytech'Lille. This internship lasted two months, from June 2012 to July 2012. The topic was about graphical visualization and step-by-step debugging of communicating processes described with an execution trace. Alain Darte advised the M2 internship of Alexandre Isoard on the parametric tiled kernel offloading (see Section 6.5 ).
PhD in progress: Guillaume Iooss, “Semantic program transformations in the polyhedral model”, started in September 2011, at ENS-Lyon and Colorado State University. Advisors: Christophe Alias, Alain Darte, Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University).
PhD in progress: Alexandre Isoard, “Optimization of remote communications”, started in September 2012, at ENS-Lyon. Advisors: Christophe Alias, Alain Darte.
PhD: Quentin Colombet, “Decoupled (SSA-based) Register Allocators: from Theory to Practice, Coping with Just-In-Time Compilation and Embedded Processors Constraints” [1] , ENS-Lyon, December 7, 2012. Advisors: Alain Darte, Fabrice Rastello.
HdR: Fabrice Rastello, “On Sparse Intermediate Representations: Some Structural Properties and Applications to Just In Time Compilation” [2] , ENS-Lyon, December 7, 2012.
Fabrice Rastello was member of the jury for Artur Pietrek's PhD thesis (Verimag, Université Joseph Fourier), defended December 2, 2012.
Paul Feautrier is one of the referees for Stephane Mancini's HdR (TIMA, Grenoble), to be defended February 19, 2013.
Alain Darte was reviewer of Mehdi Amini's PhD thesis (Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris), defended December 13, 2012, and entitled “Source-to-Source Automatic Program Transformations for GPU-like Hardware Accelerators”.
As co-advisors, Alain Darte and Fabrice Rastello were of course part of the jury of Quentin Colombet's PhD thesis [1] , defended December 7, 2012, at ENS-Lyon, and entitled “Decoupled (SSA-based) Register Allocators: From Theory to Practice, Coping with Just-In-Time Compilation and Embedded Processors Constraints”.
Alain Darte was part of the jury of Fabrice Rastello's HdR thesis [2] , defended December 7, 2012, at ENS-Lyon, and entitled “On Sparse Intermediate Representations: Some Structural Properties and Applications to Just-In-Time Compilation”.