Section: New Results

Real-Life Applications and Case Studies

ACE Cache Coherency Protocol

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Abderahman Kriouile, Radu Mateescu, Wendelin Serwe.

In the context of a CIFRE convention with STMicroelectronics (see §  7.1 ), we studied the system-level cache coherency, a major challenge faced in the current system-on-chip architectures. Because of their increasing complexity (mainly due to the significant number of computing units), the validation effort using current simulation-based validation techniques grows exponentially. As an alternative, we study formal verification.

In 2012, we focused on the ACE (AXI Coherency Extensions) cache coherency protocol, a system-level coherency protocol proposed by ARM [25] . In a first step, we developed a formal LNT model (about 2600 lines of LNT) of a system consisting of an ACE-compliant cache coherent interconnect, processors, and a main memory. The model is parametric and can be instantiated with different configurations (number of processors, number of cache lines, number of memory lines) and different sets of supported elementary ACE operations, including an abstract operation that represents any other ACE operation. Using the OCIS simulator, we were able to explore the behavior of the system interactively, which has been found helpful by STMicroelectronics engineers.

Currently, our formal model supports a representative subset of five elementary operations of the ACE protocol (MakeUnique, ReadOnce, ReadShared, ReadUnique, and WriteBack). For each of these operations, we have written a liveness property in MCL expressing that the operation is executed until its termination. Using parametric SVL scripts (about 250 lines) and the EVALUATOR 4.0 model checker, we verified these properties on the fly for up to three memory lines and two processors with two cache lines each. We also generated the corresponding LTS (up to 250 million states and one billion transitions).

We also started considering data integrity properties. This required to translate a state-based property (namely, the consistency between the values stored in memory and in the local caches of the processors) into our action-based setting. This enabled us to automatically exhibit a known error present in a previous version of the ARM specification of the ACE protocol (which was corrected in a subsequent version of the specification). Using the LNT model corresponding to the latest version of the ACE specification, we spotted several potential data integrity issues that we reported to STMicroelectronics, where they are currently under investigation.

Realizability of Choreographies

Participants : Alexandre Dumont, Matthias Güdemann, Gwen Salaün.

Choreographies allow business and service architects to specify, with a global perspective, the requirements of applications built over distributed and interacting software entities. In collaboration with Pascal Poizat (University Paris-Sud), we proposed new techniques for verifying BPMN 2.0 choreographies, and particularly the realizability property. Realizability ensures that peers obtained via projection from a choreography interact as prescribed in the choreography requirements. Our approach is formally grounded on a model transformation into the LNT process algebra and the use of equivalence checking. It is also completely tool-supported through interaction with the Eclipse BPMN2 modeler and CADP. These results have been published in an international conference [17] .

In collaboration with Meriem Ouederni (University of Nantes), we extended our techniques for analyzing choreographies to restore realizability for non-realizable, but repairable choreographies. For this we exploit the counterexamples generated by the equivalence checker BISIMULATOR to identify problematic messages in the choreography. For those messages we add distributed local monitors to the system which delay message sending if necessary, to restore correct message sequences. This iterative approach introduces the minimal number of necessary additional messages to restore realizability, and the monitors are generated in the most permissive way, i.e., by considering all possible interleavings given the behaviour of the peers participating to the choreography. It is fully automated by a prototype tool we implemented. These results have been published in an international conference [14] .

We developed a common formal description language, named CIF (Choreography Intermediate Format), for the verification of choreographies. CIF is based on an XML representation for easy exchange between programs, an XSD schema for validation, and a translation to LNT for verification. CIF is used as an intermediate language to specify choreographies, but can also serve as target language for translating various choreography specification languages, such as BPMN 2.0. The back-end connection to CADP via LNT enables the automation of some key choreography analysis tasks (repairability, realizability, conformance, etc.). Our framework is extensible with other front-end and back-end connections to, respectively, other choreography languages and formal verification tools.

Self-Configuration Protocol for Distributed Cloud Applications

Participants : Rim Abid, Gwen Salaün.

We collaborate with Noël de Palma and Fabienne Boyer (University Joseph Fourier), Xavier Etchevers and Thierry Coupaye (Orange Labs) in the field of cloud computing applications, which are complex, distributed artifacts involving multiple software components running on separate virtual machines. Setting up, (re)configuring, and monitoring these applications are complicated tasks because a software application may depend on several remote software and virtual machine configurations. These management tasks involve many complex protocols, which fully automate these tasks while preserving application consistency as well as some key properties.

In this work, we focus on a self-configuration protocol, which is able to configure a whole distributed application without requiring any centralized server. The high degree of parallelism involved in this protocol makes its design complicated and error-prone. In order to check that this protocol works as expected, we specify it in LNT and verify it using the CADP toolbox. The use of these formal techniques and tools helped to detect a bug in the protocol, and served as a workbench to experiment with several possible communication models. These results led to a publication in an international conference [18] .

We are currently studying two variants of the self-configuration protocol, one handling virtual machine failures, and one allowing dynamicity in the system (addition and removal of virtual machines) using a publish-subscribe communication framework.

Networks of Programmable Logic Controllers

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Fatma Jebali, Jingyan Jourdan-Lu, Frédéric Lang, Eric Léo, Radu Mateescu.

In the context of the Bluesky project (see § ), we study the software applications embedded on the PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) manufactured by Crouzet Automatismes. One of the objectives of Bluesky is to enable the rigorous design of complex control applications running on several PLCs connected by a network. Such applications are instances of GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) systems composed of several synchronous automata embedded on individual PLCs, which interact asynchronously by exchanging messages. A formal analysis of these systems can be naturally achieved by using the formal languages and verification techniques developed in the field of asynchronous concurrency.

For describing the applications embedded on individual PLCs, Crouzet provides a dataflow language with graphical syntax and synchronous semantics, equipped with an ergonomic user interface that facilitates the learning and use of the language by non-experts. To equip the PLC language of Crouzet with functionalities for automated verification, the solution adopted in Bluesky was to translate it into a pivot language (to be defined within the project) that will enable the connection to testing and verification tools covering the synchronous and asynchronous aspects. Our work focuses on the translation from the pivot language to LNT, which will provide a direct connection to all verification functionalities of CADP, namely model checking and equivalence checking.

In 2012, in interaction with Crouzet engineers, we studied the PLC language of Crouzet to understand precisely its static and dynamic semantics. We specified manually in LNT several examples of control applications provided by Crouzet, with the goal of identifying the principles of translating the PLC language of Crouzet to LNT. We formulated in MCL several safety and liveness properties concerning the temporal ordering of input and output events by the control applications, and we successfully verified them on the LNT specifications. We also started to study the network communication mechanisms between PLCs to identify a suitable LNT abstraction of the communication layer.

Other Case Studies

Participants : Frédéric Lang, Radu Mateescu, Wendelin Serwe.

Continuing a study [53] started in the context of the Multival project (see http://vasy.inria.fr/multival ), we considered the Platform 2012 architecture proposed by STMicroelectronics, focusing on the Dynamic Task Dispatcher (DTD), a hardware block that assigns a set of application tasks to a set of processors. In 2012, we extended our LNT model and the corresponding MCL properties in order to handle heterogeneous processors equipped with different kinds of processor extensions. We also used constraints on the initialization phase, which reduced the size of the LTS by a factor of up to ten and hence enabled the generation of the LTS for up to eight processors (instead of only six). Both extensions together enabled to discover the possibility of a livelock.

We attempted to investigate this issue further by cosimulation (using the EXEC/CAESAR framework) with the original C++ model of the architect. Unfortunately, the C++ model did not behave correctly for the particular aforementioned application scenario. It was not possible to change this model because the recent evolutions of Platform 2012 excluded the DTD, as its requirements in terms of silicon surface were considered too large. This work, including the LNT model as appendix, has been accepted for publication in an international journal [5] .

In collaboration with Nuno Mendes and Claudine Chaouiya (Gulbenkian Institute, Portugal), Yves-Stan Le Cornec (IBISC, University Evry Val d'Essonne) and Grégory Batt (CONTRAINTES project-team, Inria Paris-Rocquencourt), we have studied the use of CADP for checking the reachability of stable states in genetic regulatory networks. A compositional and logical model of genetic regulatory networks called logical regulatory modules was defined and translated to LNT processes and EXP.OPEN 2.1 networks of LTSs. Compositional minimization modulo safety equivalence was applied to the generated network, so as to palliate state explosion while preserving the reachability property. The approach has been illustrated on the segment polarity module involved in the segmentation of the fruit fly embryo and on the delta-notch module involved in cell differentiation in crucial steps of embryonic development of several species. A paper has been submitted to an international journal.