Section: Software

Dense image and surface descriptors

Participant : Iasonas Kokkinos [Correspondant] .

Scale-Invariant Descriptor, Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Signatures Disd (publicly available at http://vision.mas.ecp.fr/Personnel/iasonas/descriptors.html ) implements the SID, SI-HKS and ISC descriptors. SID (Scale-Invariant Descriptor) is a densely computable, scale- and rotation- invariant descriptor. We use a log-polar grid around every point to turn rotation/scalings into translation, and then use the Fourier Transform Modulus (FTM) to achieve invariance. SI-HKS (Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Signatures) extract scale-invariant shape signatures by exploiting the fact that surface scaling amounts to multiplication and scaling of a properly sampled HKS descriptor. We apply the FTM trick on HKS to achieve invariance to scale changes. ISC (Intrinsic Shape Context) constructs a net-like grid around every surface point by shooting outwards and tracking geodesics. This allows us to build a meta-descriptor on top of HKS/SI-HKS that takes neighborhood into account, while being invariant to surface isometries.