Section: Application Domains
Knowledge Management in Medicine
Participants : Nicolas Jay, Jean Lieber, Thomas Meilender, Amedeo Napoli.
knowledge representation, description logics, classification-based reasoning, case-based reasoning, formal concept analysis, semantic web
The Kasimir research project holds on decision support and knowledge management for the treatment of cancer [103] . This is a multidisciplinary research project in which participate researchers in computer science (Orpailleur), experts in oncology (“Centre Alexis Vautrin” in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy), Oncolor (a healthcare network in Lorraine involved in oncology), and A2Zi (a company working in Web technologies and involved in several projects in the medical informatics domain, ). For a given cancer localization, a treatment is based on a protocol similar to a medical guideline, and is built according to evidence-based medicine principles. For most of the cases (about ), a straightforward application of the protocol is sufficient and provides a solution, i.e. a treatment, that can be directly reused. A case out of the remaining cases is “out of the protocol”, meaning that either the protocol does not provide a treatment for this case, or the proposed solution raises difficulties, e.g. contraindication, treatment impossibility, etc. For a case “out of the protocol”, oncologists try to adapt the protocol. Actually, considering the complex case of breast cancer, oncologists discuss such a case during the so-called “breast cancer therapeutic decision meetings”, including experts of all specialties in breast oncology, e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.
The semantic Web technologies have been used and adapted in the Kasimir project for several years. Recently, a semantic wiki has been deployed in its production version ( ) It allows the management of decision protocols [48] More precisely, the migration from the static HTML site of Oncolor to a semantic wiki (with limited editing rights and unlimited reading rights) has been done [49] . This has consequences on the editorial chain of the published protocols which is more collaborative. A decision tree editor that has been integrated into the wiki and that has an export facility to formalized protocols in OWL DL has also been developed [61] .