Section: Software and Platforms

Generic Symbolic KDD Systems

The Coron Platform

Participants : Victor Codocedo, Adrien Coulet, Amedeo Napoli, Yannick Toussaint, Jérémie Bourseau [contact person] .

data mining, frequent itemsets, frequent closed itemsets, frequent generators, association rule extraction, rare itemsets

The Coron platform [120] , [102] is a KDD toolkit organized around three main components: (1) Coron-base, (2) AssRuleX, and (3) pre- and post-processing modules. The software was registered at the “Agence pour la Protection des Programmes” (APP) and is freely available (see http://coron.loria.fr ). The Coron-base component includes a complete collection of data mining algorithms for extracting itemsets such as frequent itemsets, frequent closed itemsets, frequent generators. In this collection we can find APriori, Close, Pascal, Eclat, Charm, and, as well, original algorithms such as ZART, Snow, Touch, and Talky-G. The Coron-base component contains also algorithms for extracting rare itemsets and rare association rules, e.g. APriori-rare, MRG-EXP, ARIMA, and BTB. AssRuleX generates different sets of association rules (from itemsets), such as minimal non-redundant association rules, generic basis, and informative basis. In addition, the Coron system supports the whole life-cycle of a data mining task and proposes modules for cleaning the input dataset, and for reducing its size if necessary. The Coron toolkit is developed in Java, is operational, and was already used in several research projects.

Orion: Skycube Computation Software

Participant : Chedy Raïssi [contact person] .

skyline, skycube algorithms

This program implements the algorithms described in a research paper published last year at VLDB 2010 [112] . The software provides a list of four algorithms discussed in the paper in order to compute skycubes. This is the most efficient –in term of space usage and runtime– implementation for skycube computation (see https://github.com/leander256/Orion ).