Section: Dissemination


  • Creatives Tuesday, Bordeaux, 27th November, "New 3D User Interfaces for the city" (M. Hachet)

  • Les signaux du numériques, Talence, 5th March, Demo PapARt (M. Hachet, P. Davignon)

  • Participation to the exhibition "Lascaux" in Cap Sciences (PapARt, Toucheo), (M. Hachet, J. Laviole)

  • Participation to the Aquitec student job fair, doing demonstrations and talking about jobs in computer science research (P. Davignon, J. Laviole)

  • Interview for the journal “Sciences et Vie Junior”, about Brain-Computer Interfaces (F. Lotte)

  • Talk given at the science festival in Goteborg, Sweden, entitled “Playing with the brain: Using ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ to control video games with mental activity” (F. Lotte)

  • Interview for a TPE for high schools student about “Touch-based interactive technologies” (J. Frey)

  • Care of an high school student (classe de sconde) visiting the Potioc group for a week

  • Care of a junior high school student (classe de troisième) visiting the Potioc group for a week