Section: Scientific Foundations
Embedded Data Management
The challenge tackled is this research action is twofold: (1) to design embedded database techniques matching the hardware constraints of (current and future) smart objects and (2) to set up co-design rules helping hardware manufacturers to calibrate their future platforms to match the requirements of data driven applications. While a large body of work has been conducted on data management techniques for high-end servers (storage, indexation and query optimization models minimizing the I/O bottleneck, parallel DBMS, main memory DBMS, etc.), less research efforts have been placed on embedded database techniques. Light versions of popular DBMS have been designed for powerful handheld devices yet DBMS vendors have never addressed the complex problem of embedding database components into chips. Proposals dedicated to databases embedded on chip usually consider small databases, stored in the non-volatile memory of the microcontroller –hundreds of kilobytes– and rely on NOR Flash or EEPROM technologies. Conversely, SMIS is pioneering the combination of microcontrollers and NAND Flash constraints to manage Gigabyte(s) size embedded databases. We present below the positioning of SMIS with respect to international teams conducting research on topics which may be connected to the addressed problem, namely work on electronic stable storage, RAM consumption and specific hardware platforms.
Major database teams are investigating data management issues related to hardware advances (EPFL: A. Ailamaki, CWI: M. Kersten, U. Of Wisconsin: J. M. Patel, Columbia: K. Ross, UCSB: A. El Abbadi, IBM Almaden: C. Mohan, etc.). While there are obvious links with our research on embedded databases, these teams target high-end computers and do not consider highly constrained architectures with non traditional hardware resources balance. At the other extreme, sensors (ultra-light computing devices) are considered by several research teams (e.g., UC Berkeley: D. Culler, ITU: P. Bonnet, Johns Hopkins University: A. Terzis, MIT: S. Madden, etc.). The focus is on the processing of continuous streams of collected data. Although the devices we consider share some hardware constraints with sensors, the objectives of both environments strongly diverge in terms of data cardinality and complexity, query complexity and data confidentiality requirements. Several teams are looking at efficient indexes on flash (HP LABS: G. Graefe, U. Minnesota: B. Debnath, U. Massachusetts: Y. Diao, Microsoft: S. Nath, etc.). Some studies try to minimize the RAM consumption, but the considered RAM/stable storage ratio is quite large compared to the constraints of the embedded context. Finally, a large number of teams have focused on the impact of flash memory on database system design (we presented an exhaustive state of the art in a VLDB tutorial [7] ). The work conducted in the SMIS team on bi-modal flash devices takes the opposite direction, proposing to influence the design of flash devices by the expression of database requirements instead of running after the constantly evolving flash device technology.