Section: Dissemination
G. Charpiat takes part in Mastic, a local scientific animation committee (Médiation et Animation Scientifique dans les MAthémathiques et dans les Sciences et Techniques Informatiques et des Communications) and attended a media training.
Press Release
F. Bremond has a Press interview on Assisted Living in February 2012 with Le Monde, Le Figaro, Les Echos, Notre Temps, Le Quotidien du Médecin, RFI, France Culture, La Croix, France Inter.
Stars article in Le Monde on the 10th of March on "Vidéosurveillance : Trop de caméras pas assez d'yeux ?",
F. Bremond has an Interview on Assisted Living on the 21st of March 2012 with France Inter,
F. Bremond has an Interview on CobTek for the ITV Inria Web Site (by TEchnoscope company) in April 2012.
Dem@Care has been mentioned in the EU eHealth Newsletters, firstly in March 2012 to announce the launch of the project, secondly in August 2012 to announce the IA (Innovation Alzheimer) Workshop 2012.