Section: Dissemination
Since April 2008, S. Boldo is member of the editorial committee of the popular science web site )i(: .
S. Boldo, scientific head for Saclay for the MECSI group for networking about computer science popularization inside Inria.
S. Boldo, member of the popularization committee, comité de médiation scientifique, of Inria.
S. Boldo visited two classes for the beginning of the computer science teaching in 2nde: lycée Jean Jaurès at Chatenay-Malabry and Jacques Monod at Clamart in January 2012.
S. Boldo is responsible for a mission doctorale for popularization. She is in charge of Li Gong of the LIMSI laboratory.
S. Boldo, head for the Fête de la science for the LRI laboratory in 2012. The laboratory welcomed both industrials, pupils and general public: 6 different stands, 6 classes, a total of more than 250 visiting persons.
S. Boldo and A. Charguéraud belong to the organization committee of the Castor informatique , an international competition to present computer science to pupils (from 6ème to terminale). More than 91,000 teenagers played on the 40 proposed exercises in November 2012.
C. Lelay and A. Tafat are involved in the Fête de la science 2012.