Section: New Results
Aspect-Oriented Programming
Participants : Rémi Douence, Ismael Figueroa, Jacques Noyé, Mario Südholt, Nicolas Tabareau, Jurgen Van Ham.
Aspects in a concurrent and distributed setting
Aspect oriented programming modularizes crosscutting concerns by gathering several join points. In the context of distributed applications these point cuts can be on different machines. In this case, a sequence of join points must be defined as a sequence of logical joint points (à la Lamport). We propose an aspect oriented languages to define distributed aspects in JavaScript in a distributed context. Our proposal [18] is based on vector clocks in order to logically relate join points and can ignore "illogical" (that is late or early) join points. In can also enforce causal communications when no join point must be discarded. We have exemplified the advantages of our technique with different applications such as a discussion forum, a retweet scenario and a web browser.
Multiparty session types allow the definition of distributed processes with strong communication safety properties. A global type is a choreographic specification of the interactions between peers, which is then projected locally in each peer. Well-typed processes behave accordingly to the global protocol specification. Multiparty session types are however monolithic entities that are not amenable to modular extensions. Also, session types impose conservative requirements to prevent any race condition, which prohibit the uniform application of extensions at different points in a protocol. We have proposed a means to support modular extensions with aspectual session types [47] , a static pointcut/advice mechanism at the session type level. To support the modular definition of crosscutting concerns, we augment the expressivity of session types to allow harmless race conditions. We formally prove that well-formed aspectual session types entail communication safety. As a result, aspectual session types make multiparty session types more flexible, modular, and extensible.
We have added dedicated concurrency support to EScala, our extension of Scala that introduces composable declarative events as a way to integrate Aspect-Oriented Programming and Event-Based Programming in the context of Object-Oriented Programming. In JEScala, Events, which were synchronous in EScala, can be declared as asynchronous so that they are handled concurrently to their emitter. Moreover, two new operators, a join and a choice operator, inherited from the join calculus - hence the name of the new prototype, can now be used to compose events and control concurrency. In [48] , we present JEScala, show that it captures coordination schemas in a more expressive and modular way than plain join languages and provide a first performance assessment.
Effective aspects
We have proposed a novel approach to embed pointcut/advice aspects in a typed functional programming language like Haskell. Aspects are first-class, can be deployed dynamically, and the pointcut language is extensible. Type soundness is guaranteed by exploiting the underlying type system, in particular phantom types and a new anti-unification type class. The use of monads brings type-based reasoning about effects for the first time in the pointcut/advice setting and enables modular extensions of the aspect language [46] , [16] .
To allow a type-safe embedding of aspects in Haskell, we had to develop a notion of anti-unification in Haskell type system. The anti-unification problem is that of finding the most specific pattern of two terms. While dual to the unification problem, anti-unification has rarely been considered at the level of types. We have developed an algorithm to compute the least general type of two types in Haskell, using the logic programming power of type classes [53] . That is, we have defined a type class for which the type class instances resolution performs anti-unification.
Reasoning about aspect interference
When a software system is developed using several aspects, special care must be taken to ensure that the resulting behavior is correct. This is known as the aspect interference problem, and existing approaches essentially aim to detect whether a system exhibits problematic interferences of aspects. We have described how to control aspect interference by construction by relying on the type system. More precisely, we combine a monadic embedding of the pointcut/advice model in Haskell with the notion of membranes for aspect-oriented programming [34] . Aspects must explicitly declare the side effects and the context they can act upon. Allowed patterns of control flow interference are declared at the membrane level and statically enforced. Finally, computational interference between aspects is controlled by the membrane topology. To combine independent and reusable aspects and monadic components into a program specification we use monad views, a recent technique for conveniently handling the monadic stack.
Oliveira and colleagues recently developed a powerful model to reason about mixin-based composition of effectful components and their interference, exploiting a wide variety of techniques such as equational reasoning, parametricity, and algebraic laws about monadic effects. Our work addresses the issue of reasoning about interference with effectful aspects in the presence of unrestricted quantification through pointcuts. While global reasoning is required, we have shown that it is possible to reason in a compositional manner, which is key for the scalability of the approach in the face of large and evolving systems. We have established a general equivalence theorem that is based on a few conditions that can be established, reused, and adapted separately as the system evolves. Interestingly, one of these conditions, local harmlessness, can be proven by a translation to the mixin setting, making it possible to directly exploit previously established results about certain kinds of harmless extensions [33] .
In aspect-oriented programming (AOP) languages, advice evaluation is usually considered as part of the base program evaluation. While viewing aspects as part of base level computation clearly distinguishes AOP from reflection, it also comes at a price: because aspects observe base level computation, evaluating pointcuts and advice at the base level can trigger infinite regression. To avoid these pitfalls, we have introduced levels of execution in the programming language, thereby allowing aspects to observe and run at specific, possibly different, levels. We adopt a defensive default that avoids infinite regression, and gives advanced programmers the means to override this default using level-shifting operators [21] .