Section: Dissemination
Paula Craciun and Josiane Zerubia have published an article in ERCIM News'95 [19] . They have also written a blog article for MPT2013 in French [ ] and MPE2013 in English [ ].
Yuliya Tarabalka gave an interview to the LISA journal in January 2013 [ ]. She participated in the conference of the Young Academy of Science in Ukraine, presenting the Ayin team and her research work to the 12-16 year-old attendees of the Academy.
Yuliya Tarabalka and Guillaume Charpiat (STARS EPI) published an article in the Earthzine journal “Exploiting Temporal Coherence for Fire Mapping from MODIS Spaceborne Observations” in September 2013 [20] .
Josiane Zerubia took part in a debate on the topic “Les TIC, une révolution pour les femmes?” organized at the SKEMA Business School in Sophia-Antipolis by three associations (Femmes & Sciences, Femmes 3000 and Telecom Valley) on November 26, 2013 (for more detail see )