Section: Dissemination


  • S. Labarthe, Forum Emploi Maths 2013, invited for an intervention to the round table «  Témoignages : métiers du secteur santé  », 01/2013, Paris.

  • S. Labarthe and G. Ravon welcomed two secondary school pupils for a week dedicated to the observation of research work in our team and the Inria research center.

  • N. Zemzemi, recieved 4 groups of pupils in final year of high school, that were following a special option on computer, numerical sciences. He animated a workshop on modelling for health sciences.

  • The team was represented by N. Zemzemi at the « Rencontre Inria-Industrie » (meeting Inria – Industry) on: Modelling, simulation, and high-performance computing, Paris, June 11th, 2013.

  • A. Davidovic presented herself and her work during a meeting with the public called « Visages de sciences », organized at « Cap Sciences », Bordeaux, Spring 2013.