Section: New Results



With the advent of GPS-equipped devices, a massive amount of location data is being collected, raising the issue of the privacy risks incurred by the individuals whose movements are recorded. In [31] , we focus on a specific inference attack called the de-anonymization attack, by which an adversary tries to infer the identity of a particular individual behind a set of mobility traces. More specifically, we propose an implementation of this attack based on a mobility model called Mobility Markov Chain (MMC). A MMC is built out from the mobility traces observed during the training phase and is used to perform the attack during the testing phase. We design several distance metrics quantifying the closeness between two MMCs and combine these distances to build de-anonymizers that can re-identify users in an anonymized geolocated dataset. Experiments conducted on real datasets demonstrate that the attack is both accurate and resilient to sanitization mechanisms such as downsampling. This paper has received the IEEE best student paper award at the conference TrustCom 2013.

In [30] , we propose to adopt the MapReduce paradigm in order to be able to perform a privacy analysis on large scale geolocated datasets composed of millions of mobility traces. More precisely, we design and implement a complete MapReduce-based approach to GEPETO. GEPETO (for GEoPrivacy-Enhancing TOolkit) is a flexible software that can be used to visualize, sanitize, perform inference attacks and measure the utility of a particular geolocated dataset. The main objective of GEPETO is to enable a data curator (e.g., a company, a governmental agency or a data protection authority) to design, tune, experiment and evaluate various sanitization algorithms and inference attacks as well as visualizing the following results and evaluating the resulting trade-off between privacy and utility. Most of the algorithms used to conduct an inference attack (such as sampling, k-means and DJ-Cluster) represent good candidates to be abstracted in the MapReduce formalism. These algorithms have been implemented with Hadoop and evaluated on a real dataset. Preliminary results show that the MapReduced versions of the algorithms can efficiently handle millions of mobility traces.

Privacy-enhanced Social Networks

In [38] , we have proposed a systematic methodology for evaluating the quality of the privacy proposed by a social networking platform. It is based on an analysis grid organizing a correspondence between a number of design features and properties having an impact on privacy, and a level of distribution. For each property, we consider three possible distribution levels: centralized, decentralized and fully decentralized. For security properties, in particular, we have defined those distribution levels with the help of three different attacker models: an attacker has the ability to compromise either one entity in the system, a pre-defined subset of entites in the system, or the whole set of peers in the system. We argument on the idea that the more powerful the attacker model needed to compromise a property for all users in the system, the higher the privacy level linked to this property. A formal evaluation tool based on lattice structures is then proposed to compare social network systems based on this analysis grid. An example evaluation is also provided, with the thorough analysis of several well-known systems of various kinds, notably leading to the conclusion that some privacy-oriented social networking architectures, presented by their authors as fully distributed, showed centralized characteristics for many privacy-related properties.

Privacy Enhancing Technologies

The development of NFC-enabled smartphones has paved the way to new applications such as mobile payment (m-payment) and mobile ticketing (m-ticketing). However, often the privacy of users of such services is either not taken into account or based on simple pseudonyms, which does not offer strong privacy properties such as the unlinkability of transactions and minimal information leakage. In [26] , we introduce a lightweight privacy-preserving contactless transport service that uses the SIM card as a secure element. Our implementation of this service uses a group signature protocol in which costly cryptographic operations are delegated to the mobile phone.

Privacy and Web Services

We have proposed [55] a new model of security policy based for a first part on our previous works in information flow policy and for a second part on a model of Myers and Liskov. This new model of information flow serves web services security and allows a user to precisely define where its own sensitive pieces of data are allowed to flow through the definition of an information flow policy. A novel feature of such policy is that they can be dynamically updated, which is fundamental in the context of web services that allow the dynamic discovery of services. We have also presented an implementation of this model in a web services orchestration in BPEL (Business Process Execution Language).

Privacy-preserving Ad-hoc Routing

Proactive Protocol

In [39] , we have proposed a proactive ad hoc routing protocol that preserves the anonymity of the source and of the destination of the packet flows, and assures the unlinkability of flows between any pair of participants to local observers and to global attackers to a lesser extend. Our solution is based on OLSR and combines Bloom filters and ephemeral identifiers. More specifically, the routing process allows any node to discover the topology of the ad hoc network. Once such a topology is known, a source node can establish beforehand a path to reach any destination node. To conceal the identity of the source and destination nodes, the path may not be the shortest ones nor terminate at the destination node. Then, by including the ephemeral public identifiers of the intermediate nodes into a Bloom filter, the source node is able to specify the nodes that have to rebroadcast packets. Thus, when receiving a packet, a node has simply to check, using its ephemeral private identifier, whether it has to rebroadcast the packet, without knowing the source, the destination, nor the previous and next hop.

Reactive Protocol

In [42] , we have proposed a classification of privacy preserving properties that ensure privacy in ad hoc network routing. We also proposed a taxonomy of adversary's model to analyse existing privacy preserving ad hoc routing protocols. To improve these protocols and to try address all privacy preserving properties, we proposed NoName [42] , a novel privacy-preserving ad hoc routing protocol. Based on trapdoor, virtual switching and partially disjoint multipath using Bloom filter, NoName ensures anonytmity of the source, of the destination and of intermediate nodes. It also ensures unlinkability between source and message and between destination and message.

In [43] , we have proposed another anonymous proactive ad hoc routing protocol, called APART, based on Gentry's fully homomorphic cryptography. Even though this technology is currently quite inefficient from a computational perspective, especially for an application in ad-hoc networks, the protocol APART is merely a proof of concept showing that an anonymous proactive protocol is possible thanks to it. The main idea is that each node maintains a routing table that contains only encrypted data. When a source node want to communicate with a destination node, it cooperates with its neighbors to discover the node that is the next hop to the destination node. This is done in such a way that the source node does not know the entry in its routing table that corresponds to the destination, and the next hop does only know that it has to rebroadcast the messages coming from that source.

Right to be forgotten

The right to be forgotten has become an investigation topic in itself within the field of privacy protection. In [46] , we present the joint research project funded by the ministry of justice between our team and researchers in law and sociology, in order to examine the current state, in society and in technology, of the notion of a right to be forgotten, to identify the forthcoming computing tools capable of implementing the notion, and to evaluate the relevance of an autonomous legislation to define it and regulate it. In association with this study and in the light of the identified state-of-the-art, we have proposed in [47] a new technique to implement a right to be forgotten in the manner of a degradation of the quality of published data in time, associated with a fully distributed ephemeral publication technology. We show how this technique could fit various use cases in geosocial networks.