Section: Research Program
Analysis and control of fluids and of fluid-structure interactions
Participants : Thomas Chambrion, Antoine Henrot, Alexandre Munnier, Lionel Rosier, Jean-François Scheid, Takeo Takahashi, Marius Tucsnak, Jean-Claude Vivalda.
The problems we consider are modeled by the Navier-Stokes, Euler or Korteweg de Vries equations (for the fluid) coupled to the equations governing the motion of the solids. One of the main difficulties of this problem comes from the fact that the domain occupied by the fluid is one of the unknowns of the problem. We have thus to tackle a free boundary problem.
The control of fluid flows is a major challenge in many applications: aeronautics, pollution issues, regulation of irrigation channels or of the flow in pipelines, etc. All these problems cannot be easily reduced to finite dimensional models so a methodology of analysis and control based on pde 's is an essential issue. In a first approximation the motion of fluid and of the solids can be decoupled. The most used models for an incompressible fluid are given by the Navier-Stokes or by the Euler equations.
The optimal open loop control approach of these models has been developed from both the theoretical and numerical points of view. Controllability issues for the equations modeling the fluid motion are by now well understood (see, for instance, Imanuvilov [55] and the references therein). The feedback control of fluid motion has also been recently investigated by several research teams (see, for instance Barbu [49] and references therein) but this field still contains an important number of open problems (in particular those concerning observers and implementation issues). One of our aims is to develop efficient tools for computing feedback laws for the control of fluid systems.
In real applications the fluid is often surrounded by or it surrounds an elastic structure. In the above situation one has to study fluid-structure interactions. This subject has been intensively studied during the last years, in particular for its applications in noise reduction problems, in lubrication issues or in aeronautics. In this kind of problems, a pde 's system modeling the fluid in a cavity (Laplace equation, wave equation, Stokes, Navier-Stokes or Euler systems) is coupled to the equations modeling the motion of a part of the boundary. The difficulties of this problem are due to several reasons such as the strong nonlinear coupling and the existence of a free boundary. This partially explains the fact that applied mathematicians have only recently tackled these problems from either the numerical or theoretical point of view. One of the main results obtained in our project concerns the global existence of weak solutions in the case of a two-dimensional Navier–Stokes fluid (see [8] ). Another important result gives the existence and the uniqueness of strong solutions for two or three-dimensional Navier–Stokes fluid (see [9] ). In that case, the solution exists as long as there is no contact between rigid bodies, and for small data in the three-dimensional case.