Section: Research Program
Public-Key Cryptanalysis
This project is interested in any public-key cryptanalysis, in the broad sense.
Mathematical Foundations
Historically, one useful side-effect of public-key cryptanalysis has been the introduction of advanced mathematical objects in cryptology, which were later used for cryptographic design. The most famous examples are elliptic curves (first introduced in cryptology to factor integer numbers), lattices (first introduced in cryptology to attack knapsack cryptosystems) and pairings over elliptic curves (first introduced in cryptology to attack the discrete logarithm problem over special elliptic curves). It is therefore interesting to develop the mathematics of public-key cryptanalysis. In particular, we would like to deepen our understanding of lattices by studying well-known mathematical aspects such as packing problems, transference theorems or random lattices.
Lattice Algorithms
Due to the strong interest surrounding lattice-based cryptography at the moment, our main focus is to attack lattice-based cryptosystems, particularly the most efficient ones (such as NTRU), and the ones providing new functionalities such as fully-homomorphic encryption or noisy multi-linear maps: recent cryptanalysis examples include [3] , [4] for the latter, and [6] for the former. We want to assess the concrete security level of lattice-based cryptosystems, as has been done for cryptosystems based on integer factoring or discrete logarithms: this has been explored in [29] , but needs to be developed. This requires to analyze and design the best algorithms for solving lattice problems, either exactly or approximately. In this area, much progress has been obtained the past few years (such as [30] ), but we believe there is still more to come. We are working on new lattice computational records.
We are also interested in lattice-based cryptanalysis of non-lattice cryptosystems, by designing new attacks or improving old attacks. A well-known example is RSA for which the best attacks in certain settings are based on lattice techniques, following a seminal work by Coppersmith in 1996: recently [2] , we improved the efficiency of some of these attacks on RSA, and we would like to extend this kind of results.
New Assumptions
In the past few years, new cryptographic functionalities (such as fully-homomorphic encryption, noisy multinear maps, indistinguishability obfuscation, etc.) have appeared, many of which being based on lattices. They usually introduce new algorithmic problems whose hardness is not well-understood. It is extremely important to study the hardness of these new assumptions, in order to evaluate the feasability of these new functionalities. Sometimes, the problem itself is not new, but the (aggressive) choices of parameters are: for instance, several implementations of fully-homorphic encryption used well-known lattice problems like LWE or BDD but with very large parameters which have not been studied much.
Currently, there are very few articles studying the concrete hardness of these new assumptions, especially compared to the articles using these new assumptions.