Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



  • PhD: John Marriott, Geometric Optimal Control with an Application to Imaging in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, University of Hawaii, defended september 5, 2013, advisors: Monique Chyba and Bernard Bonnard.

  • PhD in progress: Alice Erlinger, subject: Economics and Optimal Transport, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, started october, 2012, advisor: Ludovic Rifford. She unfortunately decided to stop in 2013, within her first year.

  • PhD in progress: Helen Heninger, subject: Étude des solutions du transfert orbital avec poussée faible dans le probleme des deux ou trois corps, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, started october, 2012, advisors: Bernard Bonnard and Jean-Baptiste Pomet.

  • PhD in progress: Ayadi Lazrag, subject: Control methods in dynamical systems, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, started october, 2011, advisor: Ludovic Rifford.

  • PhD in progress: Lionel Jassionnesse, subject: Lieu conjugés et de coupure pour des métriques de Liouville et applications, Université de Bourgogne, started october, 2010, advisor: Bernard Bonnard.

  • PhD in progress: Jérémy Rouot, subject: Moyennisation en contrôle et en contrôle optimal, effet des perturbations non périodiques, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, started october, 2013, advisors: Bernard Bonnard and Jean-Baptiste Pomet.

  • MSc: Jasseur Abidi, Optimisation d'une commande appliquée à un satellite, Ensta ParisTech, supervisors: Jean-Baptiste Caillau and Jean-Baptiste Pomet.


  • Jean-Baptiste Caillau was in the jury of X. Dupuis (Ecole Polytechnique, PhD) as President and in the jury of T. Bayen (university of Montpellier, HDR) as a referee.