Section: Dissemination
Marcus Denker gave a presentation about Pharo at the open source conference FOSDEM 2013.
Web with Pharo Conference was held 6 June 2013 @ Euratechnologies, Lille.
Camille Teruel and Damien Cassou gave a Pharo tutorial at ECOOP 2013 Montpellier. Slides got >16000 hits after a mention on ycombinator news ( )
RIC Day was held 2 October 2013 @ University of Lille 1, Lille, Anne Etien gave a presentation about Moose and software maintenance.
Esteban Lorenzano and Guillermo Polito gave multiple Presentations at Smalltalks 2013 (Argentina):
Guillermo Polito gave a lecture about Pharo Ninja Tricks at Universidad de Quilmes / Argentina in November (a hands-on showing how to use the IDE and explore the system, open classes, extension methods...).
Marcus Denker gave a lecture and a public talk at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Stéphane Ducasse gave multiple lectures and talks at University of Prag in December 2013.
Organization of the MooseDay in Lille on the 19th December with around 25 persons from all around the world. ( ).
Multiple public Pharo Sprints in Lille, Santiago/Chile, Buenos Aires/Argentina and other places.