Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


SMIS is a joint project-team with University of Versailles St-Quentin (UVSQ) and CNRS. Hence SMIS members are naturally deeply involved in teaching.

P. Pucheral:

• Full professor at UVSQ : courses on databases, DBMS architecture and security in Master1, Master2 and engineer school ISTY

• Director of the research Master COSY (UVSQ)

• Co-Director of the future Master DataScale to be launched at Univ. Paris-Saclay (UPSay) in 2015 with UVSQ, ENSIIE, Télécom SudParis and Télécom ParisTech

• Member of the HDR committee of the STV doctoral school

• Co-founder of the "Masses de Données Distribuées" French summer school and co-organizer of its last three editions (2010, 2012, 2014)

L. Bouganim: (90h/y)

• Courses on DBMS architecture, data security, database technology in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay) and in engineering school (ENST Paris)

B. Nguyen:

• Associate Professor at UVSQ. Courses on databases, programming in Master 2, Licence

• Responsible for the Computer Science Masters at UVSQ

• Responsible for in-house training course for Computer Science high-school teachers at UVSQ for Académie de Versailles

N. Anciaux: (90h/y)

• Courses on DBMS internal mechanisms, database technology in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay), and in engineering school (ENSTA Paris)

I. Sandu Popa:

• Assistant professor at UVSQ. Courses on databases, DBMS architecture and security in Licence, Master1, Master2 and engineer school ISTY


  • PhD in progress : Quoc-Cuong To, Secure Global Computations on Personal Data Servers, since November 2012, co-supervised by Benjamin Nguyen and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Saliha Lallali, Document Indexing for Embedded Personal Databases, since November 2012, co-supervised by Nicolas Anciaux, Iulian Sandu Popa and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Athanasia Katsouraki, Access and Usage Control for Personal Data in Trusted Cells, since October 2013, supervised by Luc Bouganim

  • PhD in progress : Matias Bjørling, Boosting IO Subsystem Performance on NVM Devices, since December 2011, co-supervised by Philippe Bonnet and Luc Bouganim

  • PhD in progress : Niv Dayan, Database Algorithms and Flash Internals, since December 2011, co-supervised by Philippe Bonnet and Luc Bouganim

  • PhD in progress : Javier Gonzalez, Trusted Cell X: A Client-side Reference Monitor for Usage Control on a Trusted Execution Environment, since November 2011, co-supervised by Philippe Bonnet and Luc Bouganim

  • PhD in progress : Dai-Hai Ton-That, Secure Management and Sharing of Private Personal Traces, since November 2012, co-supervised by Iulian Sandu Popa and Karine Zeitouni (Univ. of Versailles)


• P. Pucheral: reviewer of Adeel Anjum PhD (Univ. Nantes, June 2013).

• B. Nguyen : PhD committee member of Johann VINCENT (Univ. Caen, June 2013).

• I. Sandu Popa: PhD Proposal Defense committee member of Susan (Juan) Pan (New Jersey Institute of Technology, April 2013), PhD committee member of Susan (Juan) Pan (New Jersey Institute of Technology, December 2013).