Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Web programing, 30h, L1 & L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Design tools and programming relational DBMS, 105h, L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Theoretical basis of Computation, 45h, L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron Zucker, Semantic Web, 36h, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Catherine Faron Zucker, Programmation par Objets et algorithmique, 130h, L3, UNS.

  • Licence : Catherine Faron Zucker, Statistics for Data Analysis, 39h, L3, UNS.

  • Licence : Maxime Lefrançois, Java, 45H, L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Maxime Lefrançois, SGBD Java, 68H, L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Maxime Lefrançois, UML, 48H, L2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Maxime Lefrançois, Multimedia Web, 10H, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Maxime Lefrançois, Semantic Web, 20H, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Logical Data Models and languages, 24h, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Design and Development of DBMS services, 24h, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Architecture of Software Engineering, 12h, L3, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Isabelle Mirbel, Databases, 63h, L3, UNS.

  • Licence : Andrea Tettamanzi, Introduction au Web, 37h, L1, UNS.

  • Licence : Andrea Tettamanzi, Algorithmique – Programmation Objet – Python, 50h, L2, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Web Technologies, 40h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Distributed Web Development, 40h, M2, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Java Certification, 25h, M2, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Plasticity of User Interfaces, HTML5 8h, M2, Polytech UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, New Interaction Means, HTML5, 8h, M2, Polytech UNS.

  • Master : Elena Cabrio, Catherine Faron Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Andrea Tettamanzi, Serena Villata, Knowledge Engineering, 20h, M2, PolyTech Nice, UNS.

  • Master : Elena Cabrio, XML Technologies, 16h, M1, MIAGE UNS.

  • Master : Olivier Corby, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker, Semantic Web: 45h, M2, PolyTech Nice, UNS.

  • Master : Catherine Faron Zucker, Document Langages: XML, XSD & XSL, 24h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Catherine Faron Zucker, Document Langages: XML, XSD & XSL, 32h, M2, UNS.

  • Master : Catherine Faron Zucker, HTML 5, 18h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Catherine Faron Zucker, Network Programing, 12h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Fabien Gandon, Web Sémantique ou comment se déploient sur le Web les données liées et la sémantique de leurs schémas, 2H, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris.

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) Design and Evaluation: 35h, M2, PolyTech UNS.

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation, 6h, M2, Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Economics and ICT: Ergonomics, 15h, M2, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Requirement Engineering, 42h M1, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Advanced databases, 78h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Andrea Tettamanzi, Distributed Systems, 18h, M1, UNS.

  • Master : Andrea Tettamanzi, Concurrency and Parallelism, 18h, M1, UNS.

Catherine Faron Zucker is responsible of the course of study Knowledge and Information Systems in Master 2 IFI from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and the fifth year of the computer Science department of the engineer school Polytech Nice Sophia.

She is tutoring 3 internships of the Polytech engineering school at UNS and 4 apprentices in Master (30h).

Together with Isabelle Mirbel, Elena Villata supervises the “Projet de Fin d'Etudes” (PFE) of two students (i.e. Abdoul Macina (Master KIS) and Margot Bastaert (Master AL)). The subject is the design and development of a socio-semantic recommendation system for a carpooling application.

Nhan Le Thanh is responsible of Licence LPSIL IDSE (Informatique Distribuée et Systèmes d'information d'Entreprise) at UNS.

Isabelle Mirbel was Vice-Dean of Science departement at UNS in charge of Professional Insertion and Vice-Head of MIAGE at UNS.

Andrea Tettamanzi has participated in the successful submission of a proposal for an Erasmus Mundus student and staff mobility project with East Asia (EMMA East 2014, EACEA Project no. 2013-2539), wich was awarded by the European Commission a funding of EUR 3,049,575 over three years. He is now serving as deputy co-ordinator of this project, which started on October 1.


Michel Buffa:

HTML5, Online course for W3DevCapus.com, the online classrooms provided by the W3C. Sessions happened in March 2013, June 2013, September 2013 and last 6 weeks.

HTML5/JavaScript, ISN days for high school math teachers.

HTML5 course given to CNRS engineers (2-4 december 2013).

HTML5, W3C tutorial, 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013), May 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Bresil.

HTML5, JDEV, 4-6 September, Ecole polytechnique.

Les nouveautés de HTML5, Blend Web Mix conference, 1-2 October 2013, Lyon, France.

Les possibilités de HTML5, conférence Paris Web, 10-12 October 2013, Paris, France.

Fabien Gandon:

An Introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data, W3C tutorial, 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013), May, Rio de Janeiro, Bresil.

PhD Supervision

  • PhD: Franck Berthelon, Emotional State Detection from Electroencephalogram Data for "Serious Games", UNS, December 16, Peter Sander ;

  • PhD: Khalil Bouzidi, Semantic Web Approach to Support the Creation of Technical Regulatory Documents in Building Industry, UNS, CSTB, September 11, Nhan Le Thanh, Catherine Faron Zucker, Bruno Fies.

  • PhD: Luca Costabello, Mobile Access to the Web of Data, Inria, UNS, November 29, Fabien Gandon, Ivan Herman.

  • PhD: Imen Tayari, Representation, Annotation and Detection of Emotions in Multimodal Signals , Sfax, UNS, April 12, Nhan Le Thanh and Chokri Ben Amar.

  • PhD in progress : Pavel Arapov, Semantic Application Wiki, UNS, Michel Buffa, Nhan Le Thanh ;

  • PhD in progress : Amel Ben Othmane, Temporal and semantic analysis of information retrieved from short and spatio-temporal messages in Social Networks, UNS, Nhan Le Than ;

  • PhD in progress : Papa Fary Diallo, Co-Construction of Community Ontologies and Corpus in a Limited Technological Environment, Inria, UNS, UGB, Isabelle Mirbel, Olivier Corby, Moussa Lo;

  • PhD in progress : Amosse Edouard, Studies of spatial semantic aspect, real time filtering mechanisms and semantic enrichment of short messages on dynamic spatio-temporal social networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh ;

  • PhD in progress : Corentin Follenfant, Usage semantics of analytics and Business Intelligence tools, UNS, SAP, Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby, David Trastour;

  • PhD in progress : Amine Hallili, Assistant Conversational Agents with Natural Language and Intuition, UNS, Catherine Faron, Fabien Gandon;

  • PhD in progress : Rakebul Hasan, Explanations for Social Semantic Web, UNS, Fabien Gandon;

  • PhD in progress : Maxime Lefrançois, Collaborative Multilingual Management of Interlingual Knowledge Bases, Inria, UNS, Fabien Gandon, Christian Boitet;

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Marie, Pervasive sociality through social objects, Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, Fabien Gandon, Myriam Ribière;

  • PhD in progress : Zide Meng, Temporal and semantic analysis of richly typed social networks from user-generated-content sites on the Web, UNS, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker;

  • PhD in progress : Thi Hoa Hue Nguyen, Semantic Mappings with a Dataflow-based scientific worflow : an approach to develop dataflow applications using knowledge-based systems, Vietnam, Nhan Le Thanh;

  • PhD in progress : Tuan Anh Pham, Study and integrate the mechanism of workflow control in MVC architecture: design and implement an APM (Activity Process Management) platform for dynamic information systems on the networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh;

  • PhD in progress : Oumy Seye, Rules for the Web of Data, University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal, Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron Zucker, Moussa Lo.


  • Nafissa Belhoussine, Highlighting Stakeholders Communities in Collaborative Software Development Platforms, M2 MIAGE MBDS, UNS, from Feb until Aug.

  • Amel Ben Othmane, WikiNEXT comme Plateforme de démonstration pour des applications Web sémantiques, Master2 MBDS UNS, from Apr until Sep.

  • Thibaut Comte, Reador : Conception de l’IHM d’un agrégateur et analyseur de news, Licence Miage, UNS, from May until Aug.

  • Antoine Dailly, A Study on Semantic Similarity Metrics for a Question Answering System, L3, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, from June until August.

  • Romain Gugert, Scénarisation d’interactions avec les objets du formalisme des Graphes d’Unités et prototypage d’un éditeur de définitions lexicographiques formelles, Master 2 IAD C2IHM, University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), from Apr until Sep.

  • Amine Hallili, Study and development of a question answering system for French, Master MIAGE UNS, from March until Aug.

  • Damien Legrand, Discovery Hub User Interface from Mar until Aug.

  • Abdoul Macina, SPIN and SQL Pretty Printing, Master 1 UNS, from Jun until Aug.

  • Bastien Maria, Connecteur API twitter et API du journal ”The Guardian” Master 1 UNS, from May until Aug.

  • Célia Ormea, Caddie ou cabas comme dispositif d’assistance aux personnes âgées et fragilisées : étude d’un point de vue ergonomique, Master ”Sociologie et Ergonomie des technologies numériques”, UNS, from Mar until Aug.

  • Vivek Sachidananda, QAKiS System Multimedia Answers Visualization, in collaboration with R. Troncy Eurecom, from Sept.

  • Nicolas Sartori, Visualizing Stakeholders Communities in Collaborative Software Development Platforms, L3 MIAGE UNS, from May until Aug.

  • Iacopo Vagliano, Web Application for Shi3ld Access Control Policies from Mar until Sep, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.


Fabien Gandon was member of Juries:

Andrei Vlad Sambra: Data Ownership and Interoperability for a Decentralized Social Semantic Web, PhD Thesis, Telecom SudParis, University Pierre et Marie Curie.

Gaoussou Camara: Conception d'un système de veille épidémiologique à base d’ontologies – Application à la schistosomiase au Sénégal, PhD Thesis, University Pierre et Marie Curie and University Gaston Berger.

Benjamin Renoust: Analysis and Visualisation of Edge Entanglement in Multiplex Networks, PhD Thesis, University of Bordeaux.

Rallou Thomopoulos : Aide à la décision dans les filières agroalimentaires, HdR, Université Montpellier II.

Nhan Le Thanh was reviewer of the PhD thesis of Emilien Bondu, Contribution à la veille stratégique : Système d’aide à la capitalisation et à l’exploitation de connaissances expertes, INSA Rouen, November 5.

Catherine Faron Zucker was jury member of the PhD thesis of Alban Gaignard, was member of a selection committee of the University of Grenoble (UPMF) for the recruitment of an associate professor.

Isabelle Mirbel was Reviewer of PhD Thesis:

Cheikh Ahmed Tidiane Niang, Vers plus d'automatisation dans la construction de systèmes médiateurs pour le Web sémantique - une application des logiques de description, University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal, July 5th.

Michal Krzysztof Szczerbak, Collaborative situation awareness, Télécom Bretagne, September 18th.

Camille Pradel, D'un langage de haut niveau à des requêtes graphes permettant d'interroger le Web sémantique, Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, December 12th.