Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Hugues Berry, David P Parsons, Magali Vangkeosay.

  • Contact: Hugues Berry (hugues.berry@inria.fr)

  • FluoBacTracker is a software for automated quantification of bacterial cells in microscopy movies, developed in collaboration with INSERM U1001 and Paris 5 MAP (Applied Mathematics) Labs. The development (started october 2012) has been supported by a 2-year grant (ADT) funded by Inria's Technological Development Department (Sept 2012- July 2014, project name: “MultiPop”). We hope this software will be useful to all the experimental biology labs that tries to derive single-cell data from bacteria growth microscopy movies. Co-developers include Magali Vangkeosay (Beagle ), David P Parsons (SED, Inria Grenoble) and Xiaohu Song (INSERM U1001).