Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives with Industrials

  • ANR ARPEGE PRINCE: Proven Resilience against Information leakage in Cryptographic Engineering.

    Participants : Michel Ferreira Abdalla, Sonia Belaid, Fabrice Ben Hamouda, Alain Passelègue, David Pointcheval.

    From December 2010 to May 2015.

    Partners: UVSQ, Oberthur Technologies, Ingenico, Gemalto, Tranef.

    We aim to undertake research in the field of leakage-resilient cryptography with a practical point of view. Our goal is to design efficient leakage-resilient cryptographic algorithms and invent new countermeasures for non-leakage-resilient cryptographic standards. These outcomes shall realize a provable level of security against side-channel attacks and come with a formally verified implementation. For this every practical aspect of the secure implementation of cryptographic schemes must be taken into account, ranging from the high-level security protocols to the cryptographic algorithms and from these algorithms to their implementation on specific devices which hardware design may feature different leakage models.

  • ANR INS SIMPATIC: SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security.

    Participants : Angelo de Caro, Houda Ferradi, David Pointcheval, Olivier Sanders, Damien Vergnaud.

    From February 2013 to July 2016.

    Partners: Orange Labs,INVIA, Oberthur Technologies, STMicroelectronics, Université Bordeaux 1, Université de Caen Basse-­Normandie, Université de Paris VIII

    We aim at providing the most possible efficient and secure hardware/software implementation of a bilinear pairing in a SIM card.

  • FUI CryptoComp.

    Participants : Rafael Del Pino, Vadim Lyubashevsky.

    From October 2014 to September 2017.

    Partners: CEA, UVSQ, CryptoExperts, Dictao, XLIM, ViAccess Orca, CNRS, Bertin Technologies, KalRay, Gemalto

    We aim at studying delegation of computations to the cloud, in a secure way.