Section: Dissemination


  • Fête de la Science

    • Frédéric Giroire presented the stand "Mathémagie" (Magie et Mathématiques) at Rians, France, October 13-18, 2014;

    • Frédéric Havet organized the "Village des Sciences de Rians", October 13-18 (900 attendants) and created several stands and trained some people to conduct them;

    • Frédéric Havet presented the stand "Pavages: art, preuves et jeux" at Rians, France, October 13-18, 2014.

  • Institut Esope - Maison des Sciences de Rians

    • Frédéric Havet is vice-president of the association Esope 21 whose aim is scientific and literary popularization. He organized many local events and conducted various discovery workshops in elementary and secondary schools. In total , in spoke in front of about 30 classes on various topics (Mathematics, Computer Science, Astronomy, Ornithology, Job in research, etc.).