Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
PhD : Catuscia Palamidessi has been teaching a course for PhD students, on Quantitative Information Flow and on Differential Privacy at the department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa, Italy. April 2014. Total 20 hours.
Master : Frank D. Valencia has been teaching the masters course "Computability Theory", 60 hours, at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Colombia. July 27 - Nov 1, 2014.
PhD (2011-14) Nicolás E. Bordenabe . Ecole Polytechnique. Grant Inria/DGA. Co-supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi and Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis.
PhD in progress (2014-) Michel Guzman . Ecole Polytechnique. Grant Inria CORDI-S. Co-supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi and Frank D. Valencia.
PhD in progress (2013-) Salim Percy . Ecole Polytechnique. Grant Digiteo-Digicosme. Co-supervised by Frank D. Valencia and Stefan Haar.
PhD (2011-14) Luis Fernando Pino Duque . Ecole Polytechnique. Grant Inria/DGA. Co-supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi and Frank D. Valencia.
PhD in progress (2012-) Marco Stronati . Ecole Polytechnique. Grant EDX Monge. Co-supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi and Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis.
PhD in progress (2011-) Lili Xu . Ecole Polytechnique and Chinese academy of Science, Beijing, China. Co-supervised by Catuscia Palamidessi and Huimin Li.
Catuscia Palamidessi has been reviewer for the thesis of the following PhD students:
Xihui Chen (UNI-Lu, L). PhD thesis reviewer and member of the committee board at the PhD defense. Title of the thesis: Location Assurance and Privacy in Location-based Services. Advised by Sjouke Mauw. Defended in June 2014.
Meilof Veeningen (TUE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). PhD thesis reviewer and member of the committee board at the PhD defense. Title of the thesis: Objective Privacy – Formal analysis of data minimisation in privacy-enhancing protocols. Advised by Sandro Etalle. Defended in June 2014.
Fabrizio Biondi (ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark). PhD thesis reviewer and member of the committee board at the PhD defense. Title of the thesis: Markovian Processes for Quantitative Information Leakage. Advised by Andrzej Wasowski. Defended in May 2014.
Tri Mihn Ngo (University of Twente, Italy). PhD thesis reviewer and member of the committee board at the PhD defense. Title of the thesis: Qualitative and Quantitative Information Flow Analysis for Multi-threaded Programs. Advised by University of Twente. Defended in April 2014.
Francesca Pampaloni (IMT, Lucca, Italy). PhD thesis reviewer and member of the committee board at the PhD defense. Title of the thesis: Quantitative Models of Information Flow: Tuning the Power of the Adversary. Advised by Michele Boreale. Defended in March 2014.
Frank Valencia has been reviewer for the thesis of the following PhD students:
Laura Titolo (University of Udine, Italy). Title of the thesis: An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Diagnosis and Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages. Advised by Marco Comini. Defended in May 12, 2014.
Other didactical duties
Catuscia Palamidessi is:
Co-responsible of the Master 2 course on Concurrency since 2003, first at the DEA in Theoretical Computer Science (Paris) and then at the MPRI.
External member of the scientific council for the PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, Italy. Since 2012.
Member of the advising committee for the PhD of Andrea Margheri, University of Florence, Italy.