Section: New Results

Design and programming

Component-based approaches

Participants : Frederico Alvares, Eric Rutten.

Component-based architectures have shown to be very suited for self-adaptation purposes, not only because of their intrinsic characteristics like reusability and modularity, but also as virtue of their dynamical reconfiguration capabilities. The issue, nevertheless, remains that adaptation behaviors are generally conceived by means of fine-grained reconfiguration actions from the very initial configurations. This way, besides the complexity in managing large-sized architectures, the space of reachable configurations is not know in advance, which prevents ensuring well-mastered adaptive behaviours. We address this problem by designing Ctrl-F, a domain-specific language which objective is to provide high-level support for describing adaptation behaviors and policies in component-based architectures. The proposed language lies on synchronous reactive programming, which means that it benefits of an entire environment and formal tooling allowing for the verification and control of reconfigurations. We show the applicability of Ctrl-F by first integrating it to FraSCAti, a Service Component Architecture middleware platform, and then by applying it to Znn.com, a well known self-adaptive case study.

We work on the topic in cooperation with the Spirals Inria team at Inria Lille (L. Seinturier). It constitutes a follow-up on previous work in the ANR Minalogic project MIND, industrializing the Fractal component-based framework, with a continuation of contacts with ST Microelectronics (V. Bertin). Our integration of BZR and Fractal [4] , [2] is at the basis of our current work. On a related topic, we are also starting a cooperation on introducing reactive control in hierarchical autonomic architectures, with A. Diaconescu and E. Najm at TelecomParisTech.

Rule-based systems

Participants : Julio Cano, Adja Sylla, Gwenaël Delaval, Eric Rutten.

Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules are a widely used language for the high level specification of controllers in adaptive systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems and smart environments, where devices equipped with sensors and actuators are controlled according to a set of rules. The evaluation and execution of every ECA rule is considered to be independent from the others, but interactions of rule actions can cause the system behaviors to be unpredictable or unsafe. Typical problems are in redundancy of rules, inconsistencies, circularity, or application- dependent safety issues. Hence, there is a need for coordination of ECA rule-based systems in order to ensure safety objectives. We propose a tool-supported method for verifying and controlling the correct interactions of rules, relying on formal models related to reactive systems, and Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS) to generate correct rule controllers [12] .

We work on this topic in cooperation with CEA LETI/DACLE (L. Gurgen) and target the application and experimentation domain of smart environment in the Internet of Things [11] .

Another complementary direction on which we are starting a cooperation with CEA LETI/DACLE is the topic of a high-level language for safe rule-based programming in the LINC platform: the PhD of Adja Sylla on this topic will be co-advised with F. Pacull and M. Louvel at CEA.