Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • PhD : Soguy Geye ; Coordination Modulaire de Gestionnaires Autonomes par Contrôle Discret ; Université de Grenoble, 3 dec. 2014 ; E. Rutten, N. de Palma (LIG)

  • PhD in progress : Adja Ndeye SYLLA ; Generation of coordination rules from an automaton, in the context of the redeployment of distributed contra; applications ; fall 2014 ; E. Rutten, F. Pacull and M. Louvel (CEA)

  • PhD in progress : Naweiluo Zhou ; Application-aware policies and control for transactional memory systems ; oct. 2013 ; E. Rutten, G. Delaval, J.F. Mehaut (LIG)

  • PhD in progress : Mengxuan Zhao ; Discrete Control in the Internet of things and Smart Environments through a Shared Infrastructure ; nov. 2011 ; E. Rutten, H. Alla (Gipsa-lab), G. Privat (Orange labs)