Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: A. Liefooghe, Algorithmic and Data structure, 36h ETD, L2, Université de Lille 1, France

  • Licence: A. Liefooghe, Algorithmic for Operations Research, 36h ETD, L3, Université de Lille 1, France

  • Master: A. Liefooghe, Databases, 30h ETD, M1, Université de Lille 1, France

  • Master: A. Liefooghe, Advanced Object-oriented Programming, 53h ETD, M2, Université de Lille 1, France

  • Master: A. Liefooghe, Combinatorial Optimization, 10h ETD, M2, Université de Lille 1, France

  • B. Derbel is the co-supervising the Master 2 MOCAD (Complex Models, Algorithms, Data)

  • Master : Bilel Derbel, Combinatorial Optimization, 35h, M2, University Lille 1, France

  • Master : Bilel Derbel, Grid Computing, 16h, M2, University Lille 1, France

  • Master : Bilel Derbel, Parallel and Distributed Programming, 35h, M1, University Lille 1, France

  • Master : Bilel Derbel, Advanced Object Programming, 132h, M1, University Lille 1, France

  • Master : Bilel Derbel, Algorithms and Applications, 28h, M1, University Lille 1, France

  • Laetitia Jourdan: Master in Computer Sciences and Master MIAGE of University of Lille 1: Business Intelligence (30h), Datamining (60h), Datawarehouse (30h)

  • Laetitia Jourdan : Informatique L1 University of Lille 1 48h

  • Laetitia Jourdan: Responsible of sandwich courses in Master Lille 1

  • Laetitia Jourdan: Co-responsible of Licence 1 Computer Science

  • Master: D. Brockhoff, Advanced Control, 18.25h, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, France

  • Master : N. Melab, Supercomputing, 33h, M2, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master : N. Melab, Operations Research, 82h, M1, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master leading: N. Melab, Co-head (with C. Chainais) of the master 2 of advanced scientific computing, U. Lille 1

  • Master creation: N. Melab, Participation to the proposition of a new master of engineering at Lille 1

  • Engineering school : Clarisse Dhaenens, Graphs and Combinatorics, 80 HeqTD, Polytech Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : Clarisse Dhaenens, Operations Research, 70 HeqTD, Polytech Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : Clarisse Dhaenens, Algorithmics and programming, 45 HeqTD, Polytech Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : Luce Brotcorne, Optimisation, 17h ETD, IMA4, Polytech Lille, France

  • Engineering school : Luce Brotcorne, Recherche Opérationnelle, 24 h ETD, IEESP2, Polytech Lille, France

  • Engineering school : Luce Brotcorne, Analyse Numérique et Optimisation, 18h ETD, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France

  • Engineering school : Luce Brotcorne, Modèles d'affectation du traffic, 6hETD, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France

  • Engineering school : El-Ghazali Talbi, Advanced optimization, 36h, Polytech'Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : El-Ghazali Talbi, Data mining, 36h, Polytech'Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : El-Ghazali Talbi, Operations research, 60h, Polytech'Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Engineering school : El-Ghazali Talbi, Graphs, 25h, Polytech'Lille, University Lille 1, France

  • Polytech Lille : Marie-Eléonore Marmion, Database, 67h ETD, 1st year, Université Lille 1, France

  • Polytech Lille : Marie-Eléonore Marmion, Algorithm and Programming, 45h ETD, 1st year, Université Lille 1, France

  • Polytech Lille : Marie-Eléonore Marmion, Graph, 10h ETD, 1st year, Université Lille 1, France

  • Polytech Lille : Marie-Eléonore Marmion, Data Mining, 10h ETD, 3rd year, Université Lille 1, France

  • E-learning

    • Lecture in a E-learning master degree at the University of Lille 1 : Bilel Derbel, Cluster et Grille de Calcul, 2 days on-site, and 3 distance courses, COROLIA Training - Digital Learning Pole, Lille TELECOM , Master 2 TIIR E-learning, continuing education, ten students enrolled.


  • PhD : Nadia Dahmani, Multi-objective packing problems, 02/2014, El-Ghazali Talbi and François Clautiaux

  • PhD : A. Stathakis, Satellite payload reconfiguration optimization, 10/2014, El-Ghazali Talbi and Pascal Bouvry

  • PhD in progress : : Sophie Jacquin, Combining exact method and metaheuristics for production problems, début : 1/10/2012, Co-direction : El-Ghazali Talbi et Laetitia Jourdan

  • PhD in progress: Datamining et optimisation combinatoire adaptés à la prévention et à l'orientation de patients, Maxence Vandromme début : 1/06/2014, CIFRE with Alicante Co-direction : Clarisse Dhaenens and Laetitia Jourdan

  • PhD in progress: Gauvain Marquet, Mono-objective decomposiiton for multi-objective optimization, University Lille 1, Sep. 2014, Bilel Derbel and El-Ghazali Talbi

  • PhD : Trong-Tuan Vu, Heterogenity and locality-aware work stealing for large scale branch-and-bound irregular algorithms, Inria University Lille 1, 12 Dec 2014, Bilel Derbel and Nouredine Melab

  • PhD in progress : Thanh-Do Tran, Benchmarking Continuous Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms, since 12/2011, Dimo Brockhoff and El-Ghazali Talbi

  • PhD defended: Trong Tuan VU, Heterogeneity and Locality-aware Work Stealing for Large Scale Brand-and-Bound Irregular Algorithms, Nouredine Melab and Bilel Derbel, December 12th, 2014

  • New PhD: Jan GMYS, Optimization and simulation of electrical networks using massively parallel heterogeneous computing, Nouredine Melab and Daniel Tuyttens (UMONS, Belgium), since October 2014.

  • PhD in progress : Rudi LEROY, Massively parallel tree-based exact algorithms for hybrid clusters, 11/05/2012, Nouredine Melab

  • PhD in progress : Francois LEGILLON, Static and Dynamic Resource Brokering on multi-clouds, 09/01/2010, Nouredine Melab and El-Ghazali Talbi

  • PhD in progress : Sylvain Dufourny, Optimisation de décisions économiques concurrentielles dans un simulateur de gestion d’entreprise, Novembre 2012, Clarisse Dhaenens

  • PhD in progress : Sezin Afsar, Bilevel models for energy pricing problems , 09/2011, L. Brotcorne

  • PhD in progress : Martin Bue, Optimisation d'un service de réservation hôtellière, 09/2011, L. Brotcorne, F. Clautiaux.

  • PhD in progress : Bayrem Tounsi, Optimisation conjointe des opérations de transport et préparation dans le cadre du E-commerce, 09/2011, L. Brotcorne.

  • PhD in progress : A. Q. Nguyen, Green scheduling on cloud computing systems, 11/2012, El-Ghazali Talbi and Pascal Bouvry

  • PhD in progress : Oumayma Bahri, Fuzzy multi-objective optimization, 11/2013, El-Ghazali Talbi and Nayla Ben-Omar

  • PhD in progress : Asma Gannouni, Stochastic multi-objective optimization using metaheuristics , 11/2013, El-Ghazali Talbi and Rachid Ellaia


  • D. Brockhoff: external reviewer for the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).

  • N. Melab: HDR Matthieu Basseur, Université d'Angers, December 3rd, 2014.

  • C. Dhaenens: President of the recruiting committee for associate professorship in computer science (COS McF 27 - Univ. Lille 1 - 2014) - 3 positions.

  • C. Dhaenens: Problème de caractérisation multiple - Application à la détection de souches bactériennes phytopathogènes de Fabien Chhel, Université d'Angers, encadrants : Frédéric Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion, Octobre 2014, (Présidente)

  • C. Dhaenens: Modèles d'abstraction pour la résolution de problèmes combinatoires, HDR de Adrien Goeffon, Université d'Angers, garant : Frédéric Saubion, Novembre 2014, (Rapporteur)

  • L. Brotcorne, Member of the commission for the Concours CR Inria 2014.

  • L. Brotcorne, Member of the COST GTRI Inria.

  • Luce Brotcorne : Planification des opérations de cross-docking, de Anne-Laure Ladier, University of Grenoble, Encadrants : G. Alpan november 2014 (Rapporteur).