Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • International Master 2 MOSIG-INP, Course on “Autonomous Robots” (24 h), C. Laugier (responsible), A. Martinelli, M. Perrollaz, A. Nègre. Grenoble University, France.

  • E-learning

    • Mooc "Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles" - 6 weeks, C. Laugier, D. Vasquez, A. Martinelli - under finalization, publication spring 2015.


  • PhD defended in 2014: Chiara Troiani, vision and inertial sensor fusion for 3D navigation, 2011, A. Martinelli.

  • PhD defended in 2014: Arturo Escobedo, Shared Control navigation, 2011, A. Spalanzani.

  • PhD in progress: Tiana Rakotovao Andriamahefa, Embedded Bayesian Perception on a Multi-core Architecture, 2013, C. Laugier and D. Ruspini (CEA LETI).

  • PhD in progress: Boris Grechanichenko, Autonomous Driving, 2013, C. Laugier and D. Vasquez, (cooperation Toyota).

  • Starting PhD: Mathieu Barbier, Decision making for Intelligent Vehicles, 2014, E. Mazer and D. Vasquez (cooperation Renault)

  • PhD in progress: Vishnu K. Narayanan, semi-autonomous navigation of a electric wheelchair using visual servoing and user intention analysis, 2013, M. Babel (Lagadic Team) and A. Spalanzani.


  • C. Laugier was a reviewer and a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Thibault Kruse, University of Munich, January 14th 2015 (Report July 2014).

  • C. Laugier was a member of the defense committee of the PhD thesis of Chiara Troiani and of Arturo Escobedo.