Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7 & H2020
Program: ESA (European Spatial Agency) Support to Science Element.
Project title: High resolution mapping of GHGs exchange fluxes.
Other partners: : IWR (University of Heidelberg), LEGOS (CNRS DR-14), GEOSTAT (Inria), KIT (Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie, Frankfurt), IRD, Université Paul Sabatier.
Abstract: The EBUS (Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems) and OMZs (Oxygen Minimum Zone) contribute very significantly to the gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, notably with respect to the greenhouse gases (hereafter GHG). Invasion or outgasing fluxes of radiatively- active gases at the air-sea interface result in coupled or decoupled sink and source configurations. From in-situ ocean measurements, the uncertainty of the net global ocean-atmosphere CO2 fluxes is between 20 and 30%, and could be much higher in the EBUS-OMZ. Off Peru, very few in-situ data are available presently, which justifies alternative approaches for assessing the fluxes. GHG vertical column densities (VCD) can be extracted from satellite spectrometers. The accuracy of these VCDs need to be very high in order to make extraction of sources feasible. To achieve this accuracy is extremely challenging, particularly above water bodies, as water strongly absorbs infra-red (IR) radiation. To increase the amount of reflected light, specular reflections (sun glint) can be used on some instruments such as GOSAT. Also, denoising techniques from image processing may be used for improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). GHG air-sea fluxes determination can be inferred from inverse modeling applied to VCDs, using state of the art modeling, at low spatial resolution. For accurately linking sources of GHGs to EBUS and OMZs, the resolution of the source regions needs to be increased. This task develops on new non-linear and multiscale processing methods for complex signals to infer a higher spatial resolution mapping of the fluxes and the associated sinks and sources between the atmosphere and the ocean. Such an inference takes into account the cascading properties of physical variables across the scales in complex signals. The use of coupled satellite data (e.g. SST and/or Ocean colour) that carry turbulence information associated to ocean dynamics is taken into account at unprecedented detail level to incorporate turbulence effects in the evaluation of the air-sea fluxes. We will present a framework as described above for determining sources and sinks of GHG from satellite remote sensing. The approach includes resolutions enhancements from nonlinear and multiscale processing methods. The applicability is validated against ground truth observations and numerical model studies.