Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Lifeware is affiliated to the Doctoral school of Mathematical Science of the University Paris Diderot, and to the interdiciplinary Doctoral school “Frontières du Vivant” of the University Paris Descartes.

The following courses have been given by members of Lifeware:

Grégory Batt has been selected to participate to the first workshop on Teaching Through Research of the Leadership Program, organised by the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity under the auspice of the “learning science” UNESCO chair (April 2014, Paris).


  • HDR: Grégory Batt, Design, optimization and control in systems and synthetic biology, Université Paris Diderot, March 7, 2014. Jury: Vincent Danos (Edinburgh U), Frédéric Devaux (Paris5 U), Hidde de Jong (Inria), Olivier Gandrillon (CNRS), Mustafa Khammash (ETHZ), and Reiner Veitia (Paris7).

  • PhD in progress : François Bertaux, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, Sept 2011, Dir. Dirk Drasdo (EPI Mamba) and Grégory Batt

  • PhD: Xavier Duportet, Developing new tools and platforms for mammalian synthetic biology: from the assembly and chromosomal integration of large genetic circuits to the engineering of artificial intercellular communication systems, Université Paris Descartes (Oct. 2010), Paris, Dir. Grégory Batt and Ron Weiss (MIT), Nov 14, 2014. Jury: Grégory Batt, Diego di Bernardo (Tigem), Tim Lu (MIT), Didier Mazel (Pasteur), Franck Molina (CNRS), Reiner Veitia (Paris 7), and Ron Weiss

  • PhD: David Fournier, Metro Regenerative Braking Energy Optimization through Rescheduling: Mathematical Model and Greedy Heuristics Compared to MILP and CMA-ES, Université Paris Diderot, Paris (Oct 2011), Dir. François Fages and Denis Mulard (General Electric), 27 Nov 2014. Jury: Thierry Benoist (Innovation24), Xavier Delorme (Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne), Roberto Di Cosmo (U. Paris-Diderot), François Fages, Narendra Jussien (Telecom Lille), Denis Mulard (General Electric).

  • PhD in progress : Steven Gay, Subgraph Epimorphisms: Theory and Application to Model Reductions in Systems Biology, Université Paris Diderot, Paris (Oct 2009), Dir. François Fages and Sylvain Soliman, defense in March 2015

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Baptiste Lugagne, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, Oct 2012, Dir. Grégory Batt and Pascal Hersen

  • PhD in progress : Artemis Llamosi, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, Nov 2012, Dir. Grégory Batt and Pascal Hersen

  • PhD in progress : Thierry Martinez, Execution models for Constraint Programming: kernel language design through semantics equivalence, Université Paris Diderot, Paris (Oct 2009), Dir. François Fages, Defense in March 2015

  • PhD in progress : Pauline Traynard, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, Oct 2012, Dir. François Fages and Denis Thieffry (ENS)


  • HDR Pascal Hersen, Université Paris-Diderot, Examiner: François Fages

  • PhD Adrien Basso-Blandin, Université d’Evry, November 2014, Examiner: François Fages

  • PhD Benjamin Gyori, National University of Singapore, October 2014, Reviewer: Grégory Batt

  • PhD Santiago Videla, Université de Rennes, July 2014, Reviewer: Grégory Batt

  • PhD Alejandro Vignoni, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, May 2014, Reviewer: Grégory Batt