Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
There is a high demand on networking courses in the various universities in which LORIA is part of. This puts high pressure on MADYNES members which are all in charge of numerous courses in this domain. Especially the team professors and associate professors ensure more than the required amount of teaching obligation in their respective institutions: IUT, bachelor, master, TELECOM Nancy, ENSEM and École des Mines de Nancy engineering schools.
Laurent Andrey was the Head of Department of the Charlemagne IUT specialization on multimedia networking until the end of the academic year 2014.
Olivier Festor is the Director of the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School. Remi Badonnel is heading the Telecommunications and Networks specialization of the 2nd and 3rd years at the TELECOM Nancy engineering school, and is also in charge of the 2nd year design and development projects at the same school. They teach the networking related courses in this cursus.
Isabelle Chrisment was co-directing the school and in charge of the students recruitment process until September 2014.
Laurent Ciarletta is heading the specialization Safe Systems Architecture of the Computer Science and IT department of the Ecole des Mines de Nancy ("Grande Ecole", Engineering School, Master degree level). He is most notably in charge of Advanced Networking, Middleware, Component-based software development, Pervasive Computing, Networking and Systems courses at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy. Notably, within the ARTEM alliance (ICN - Business School, Mines Nancy, Ecole d'Art / School of Art), he is a member of the Research Committee, more specifically with the "Smart Working Spaces" research theme, and he is co-responsible for the "Businesses: the digital challenge CORP 3.0, Entreprises: le défi numérique and the Imagineries and the Workspaces, 2 classes within the ARTEM alliance (over 90 hours).
Thomas Silverston was in charge of the SSSR Master degree at IGA (Morroco).
Team members are teaching the following courses:
Level: Engineering/Master Degree in Computer Science (L2, M1, M2)
Main topics: Computer Networks, Databases, Object-Oriented Programming, C and Shell Programming, Techniques and Tools for Programming, Network Services, Constraint development on small Connected Objects, Mobile applications and Internet of Things.
Main location: TELECOM Nancy Engineering School in Computer Science
PhD: Martin Barrere, Vulnerability Management in Autonomic Networks and Systems, University of Lorraine, since Jun 2014, supervised by Olivier Festor, Rémi Badonnel
PhD in progress: Elian Aubry, Using Software Defined Network to manage Content Centric Networks, since October 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment, Thomas Silverston.
PhD in progress: César Bernardini, Réseau orienté-contenu basé sur les communautés d'utilisateurs, since Nov 2011, supervised by Olivier Festor et Thomas Silverston
PhD in progress: Francois Despaux, QoS in wireless sensor and actuator networks, since November 2011, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song, Abdelkader Lahmadi
PhD in progress: Gaëtan Hurel, Mobile Cloud Security, since Jan 2014, supervised by Olivier Festor, Rémi Badonnel, Abdelkahder Lahmadi
PhD in progress: Patrick-Olivier Kamgue, Routing management in WSNs, since Jun 2012, supervised by Emmanuel Nataf and Olivier Festor in France, Thomas Djotio in Cameroun
PhD in progress: Samuel Marchal, honeypot and malware analysis, since October 2013, supervised by Olivier Festor in France, Thomas Engel in Luxembourg
PhD in progress: Anthéa Mayzaud, Monitoring ans Security for the Internet of Things, since May 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment, Rémi Badonnel
PhD in progress: Kevin Roussel : Dynamic management of QoS and energy in heterogenous sensor and actuator networks for e-health applications, since Dec 2012, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song
PhD in progress : Mohamed Said Seddiki, Allocation des ressource dans la virtualisation des réseaux, since Mar 2013, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song, and by Mounir Frikha in Tunisia
PhD in progress: Evangelia Tsiontsiou , Multiconstrained QoS routing for wireless sensors networks with applications to smart space for ambient assisted living, since October 2013, supervised by Ye-Qiong Song, Bernardetta Addis
PhD in progress: Shbair Wazen, Contributions for the Management of HTTPS traffic, since December 2013, supervised by Isabelle Chrisment and Thibault Cholez
Team members participated to the following Ph.D. defense committees:
Tristan Groléat, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université Européenne de Bretagne, Télécom Bretagne Title: High Performance traffic monitoring for network security and management, March 2014 – (Isabelle Chrisment)
Truong Khoa Phan, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis. Title: Design and Management of Networks with Low Power Consumption, September 2014 – (Bernardetta Addis)
Houari Mahfoud, Ph.D. in computer science from Université de Lorraine. Title: Efficient Access Control to XML Data: Querying and Updating Problems, Feb. 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Nadine Abdallah, Ph.D. in control and applied computer science from Université de Nantes. Title: Multiprocessor real-time partitioning with Quality of Service requirements and energy constraints, Feb. 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Ridha Soua, Ph.D. in comupter science from Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6. Title: Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Environment: Energy Efficiency, Delay and Scalability, Feb. 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
William Mangoua Sofack, Ph.D. in computer science from Université de Toulouse. Title: Amélioration des délais de traversés pire cas des réseaux embarqués à l’aide du calcul réseau, June 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Philippe Thierry, Ph.D. in computer science from Université Paris-Est. Title: Systè̀mes véhiculaires à̀ domaines de sécurité et de criticité multiples : une passerelle systronique, July 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Hamdi Ayed, Ph.D. in networking, telecommunications, systems and architectures from Université de Toulouse. Title: Analysis and optimization of multi-cluster avionics networks, November 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Yan Han, Ph.D. in computer science from Université de Rennes 1. Title: Smart devices collaboration for energy saving in home networks, December 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Team members acted as reviewer for the following Ph.D. thesis:
Inad Nawajah, Ph.D. in Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. Title: Bayesian Analysis of home care longitudinal counts data, 2014 – (Bernardetta Addis)
Wei You, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université Européenne de Bretagne, Télécom Bretagne Title: A Content-Centric Networking Node for a Realistic Efficient Implementation and Deployment, January 2014 – (Isabelle Chrisment)
Antoine Lavignotte, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Saint-Etiienne Title: Prise en compte de la qualité de l'expérrance utilisateur au sein des protocoles de streaming adaptatifs, Mai 2014 – (Isabelle Chrisment)
Silvia Gil Casals, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Toulouse, Title: Risk Assessment and Intrusion Detection for Airborne Networks, July 2014 – (Isabelle Chrisment)
Rim Moalla, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Télécom ParisTech and Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Title: Secure Future Cooperative ITS Applications, (September 2014) – (Isabelle Chrisment)
Ludie Akue, Ph.D. in COmputer Science from Université de Toulouse, Title: Un cadriciel pour la vérification en ligne, générique, flexible et évolutive de configurations de systèmes communicants complexes, (February 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Raphael Barbosa, Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Twente, Title: Anomaly Detection in SCADA systems, (Febrary 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Rebecca Steinert, Ph.D. in Computer Science from KTH, Title: Probabilistic Fault Management in Networked Systems, (June 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Anthony Dessiatnikoff, Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Toulouse, Title: Analyse de Vulnérabilités de systèmes avioniques embarqués: classification et expérimentation, (June 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Ghida Ibrahim, Ph.D. in Computer Science and Networking from TELECOM ParisTech, Title: Evolution of the Control Plane for Future Content Distribution Services, (june 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Ahmed Amokrane, PhD in Computer Science from Pierre et marie Curie University Title: Green et Effcacité en Energie dans les Réseaux d'Accès et Infrastructures Cloud, ((December 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
Ridha Soua, Ph.D. in comupter science from UNIVERSITY PARIS 6 PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE. Title: Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Environment: Energy Efficiency, Delay and Scalability, Feb. 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
William Mangoua Sofack, Ph.D. in computer science from Université de Toulouse. Title: Amélioration des délais de traversés pire cas des réseaux embarqués à l’aide du calcul réseau, June 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Philippe Thierry, Ph.D. in computer science from Université Paris-Est. Title: Systèmes véhiculaires à domaines de sécurité et de criticité multiples : une passerelle systronique, July 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Hamdi Ayed, Ph.D. in networking, telecommunications, systems and architectures from Université de Toulouse. Title: Analysis and optimization of multi-cluster avionics networks, November 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Yan Han, Ph.D. in computer science from Université de Rennes 1. Title: Smart devices collaboration for energy saving in home networks, December 2014 – (Ye-Qiong Song)
Team members participated to the following Habilitation Degree defense committees:
Stefano Secci, , Habilitation Degree in Computer Science from Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 University. Title: Modeling and Evaluating Novel Networked Communications Systems, (September 2014) – (Olivier Festor)
(Liliana Cucu-Grosjean), Habilitation Degree in (Computer Science) from (Université Paris 6). Title: (Contributions to real-time systems), (May 2014) — (Françoise Simonot-Lion)