Section: Dissemination


  • Nazim Fatès was the president of the Jury of the Festival du film de chercheur, see: an article in the Eureka magazine

  • Vincent Thomas participated in “Journée ISN-EPI” (Apr. 17 2014) whose audience is computer science teachers of secondary school by organizing a workshop on “artificial intelligence and games”. Vincent Thomas is participating in the LORIA IDEES group dedicated to teaching activities.

  • Vincent Thomas previously organized an exposition about game design and cognitive sciences. The materiel of the exposition was presented this year in several BU (Biliotheques universitaires) including IUT Charlemagne BU, Campus Medecine BU and Campus Brabois BU. This exposition is planned to be presented in other libraries in 2015 (Epinal, St Die).

  • Vincent Thomas is participating in “Exporoute” meetings organized by Inria. The aim of these mettings is to create the content of a mobile scientific exposition about computer science in general. This exposition is planned to be held in 2017.

  • Vincent Thomas participated in “la nuit des chercheurs” (Sep. 26 2014, Metz) and “ARTEM fête la science” during “Fête de la Science” (Oct. 18 2014, Nancy) by organizing discussions on video games, artificial intelligence and the links between those two domains.