Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
C. Poignard: 80 hours of teaching (Master course and undergraduate)
L. Weynans: teaching in approximation of PDEs and programming (Fortran), exchange operation with high schools, class of mathematics for math minor international engineer students
HdR: Clair Poignard, A few advances in biological modeling and asymptotic analysis, Universite de Bordeaux, September 2014
HdR: Michel Bergmann, Contributions à la simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides et à la réduction de modèle, Universite de Bordeaux, June 2014
PhD: Michael Leguebe, Modélisation de l'électroperméabilisation à l'échelle cellulaire, Universite de Bordeaux, September 2014, co-supervised by C. Poignard and T. Colin
PhD: Xin Jin, Une chaine d’outils numériques pour la conception aerodynamique de pales d’eoliennes, Universite de Bordeaux, September 2014, co-supervised by M. Bergmann and A. Iollo
PhD: Yoann Eulalie, Etude aérodynamique et contrôle de la traînée sur un corps de Ahmed culot, Jan 2014, co-supervised by I. Mortazavi and C.H. Bruneau.
PhD in progress: F. Cornelis is a medical doctor of the Institut Bergonié. He is a radiologist practicing CT-Scans, MRI but also local mini-invasive treatments (interventional radiology). He spends one day a week to prepare a PhD on the modelling aspects of his work. started 2010
PhD in progress: Etienne Baratchart, Mathematical modeling of the metastatic initiation biology, started December 2012, cosupervised by S. Benzekry, T. Colin and O. Saut
PhD in progress: G. Lefebvre, Image-based modeling of resistance to targeted therapies for metastases from gastro-intestinal tumors, started October 2012, supervised by T. Colin
PhD in progress: J. Jouganous, Prediction of the spatial growth of lung metastatic nodules, started October 2012, supervised by O. Saut
PhD in progress: T. Michel, Modeling of tumor spheroids growth, started October 2013, co-supervised by T. Colin and C. Poignard
PhD in progress: O. Gallinato, Mathematical modeling of invadopodia, started October 2013, in joint supervision with T. Colin, C.Poignard from MC2 and T. Suzuki from Osaka University
PhD in progress: P. Berment, Modeling of PET-scan imaging data of tumor growth, started October 2013, co-supervised by O. Saut and T. Colin
PhD in progress: A. Peretti, Image-based mathematical modeling of kidney cancer, started 2014, co-supervised by T. Colin and O. Saut
PhD in progress: M. Deville, started 2014, in joint supervision by C. Poignard from MC2 and R. Natalini from the CNR and Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
PhD in progress: M. Jedouaa, Effets collectifs dans l'interaction plasma/globules rouges et la nage de micro-organismes, started 2013, co-supervised by C.H. Bruneau and E. Maître (Grenoble)
Angelo Iollo was in the jury of the following PhDs
Reviewer: Anna Cattani, Politecnico di Torino, « Multispecies Models to Describe Large Neuronal Networks », Torino, Fev 2014.
Reviewer: Nicolas Dovetta, LadHX, Ecole Polytechnique, « Data-based models for flow control », Paris, June 2014.
Reviewer: Ali Al Alaouwi, IMATH, Université de Toulon « Reconstruction 3D des vaisseaux sanguins », Dec 2014.
Jury: Elisa Schenone, LJLL, UPMC, « Reduced Order Models, Forward and Inverse Problems in Cardiac Electrophysiology », Nov 2014.
Jury: Guillaume Dechristé, IMB, Université de Bordeaux « Méthodes numériques pour la simulation d'écoulements de gaz raréfiés autour d’obstacles mobiles », Dec 2014.