Section: Dissemination

Institutional commitment

  • F. Campillo is member of the NICE Inria committee (long term invited scientists selection); deputy elected member of the Inria Scientific Council; member of the internal communication working group of Inria for the redesign of the national intranet; member the “support group to researchers” of Inria Sophia Antipolis.

  • J. Harmand is member of the steering committee of the Inra/MEM meta-program (Métagénomique des écosystèmes microbiens); member of the EA department of Inra; member of the “commissions scientifiques spécialisées” STEA-Inra.

  • A. Rapaport is member of the scientific committee of BIOS dept. of CIRAD, and is member of the scientific committee of Ecotechnologies department of Irstea.